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Lit Protocol



Developers of apps, protocols, and agents use Lit Protocol for decentralized signing, encryption, and blind compute. Lit is a base layer for web3 products and can be used across a wide selection of catagories, including DeFi, onboarding, chain abstraction (including non-EVM), user owned data, attestation, credentials and more. * Each Lit network manages a programmable, secure, and distributed keys via multiparty computation threadhold secret sharing (MPC TSS) running within sealed, confidential hardware (TEE). * Given that this hackathon is just two days, projects will be evaluated on technical sophistication and utility exclusively. Specifically, the depth and complexity of your project's implementation using Lit Actions and how it interconnects to other systems to create impactful solutions. Visual design, user interface aesthetics, and overall appearance will NOT be considered in our evaluation for these prizes. * Good luck to all participants! We look forward to seeing your innovative solutions leveraging Lit Protocol.


🔒 Best Use of Compute Over Private Data (Decrypting within a Lit Action)$3,000
To win this prize, utilize the "Decrypting and Combining Within an Action" feature to decrypt data within Lit and compute over that data using a Lit Action. We welcome applications and protocols that leverage Lit for computing over private data across a wide variety of domains, including AI, Identity, and more. Please note that Lit's "signAndCombineEcdsa" and "decryptAndCombine" methods can be used in the same project. For example, when using Lit Actions to run private DeFi strategies and execute them on-chain.

Qualification Requirements

This prize is for a team that implements Lit's "Decrypt within a Lit Action" functionality. Given the hackathon's two-day duration, projects will be evaluated on the following criteria: -Creativity: What makes your project useful, clever, fun, or novel? -Integration: How well does your project interconnect with other systems (web2, blockchains, storage)? -Technical Implementation: Depth and complexity of your project's implementation using Lit Actions. Note: Visual design, user interface aesthetics, and overall appearance will NOT be considered in the evaluation for this prize.

✍️ Best Use of Programmable Signing (Sign within a Lit Action)$3,000
To win this prize, implement the "Sign within a Lit Action" method to sign and broadcast transactions using Lit Actions. We are looking for applications and protocols that leverage Lit for signing and broadcasting transactions across various areas such as Chain Abstraction, Identity, Wallets, and more. Please note that Lit's "signAndCombineEcdsa" and "decryptAndCombine" methods can be used in the same project. For you idea, consider apps and protocols that are 'build once, run everywhere'. For example, interoperable private data that attests with Sign protocol, or a platform to create meme coins with friends on any chain, or a private proof of location protocol.

Qualification Requirements

This prize is for a team that implements Lit's "Sign within a Lit Action" functionality. Given the hackathon's two-day duration, projects will be evaluated only on the following criteria: -Creativity: What makes your project useful, clever, or fun? -Integration: How well does your project interconnect with other systems (web2, blockchains, storage)? -Technical Implementation: Depth and complexity of your project's implementation using Lit Actions. Note: Visual design, user interface aesthetics, and overall appearance will NOT be considered in the evaluation for this prize.

🏃 Runners Up$4,000
Up to 6 teams will receive $500
This prize will be divided among up to four teams that build noteworthy projects not selected for other prizes.

Qualification Requirements

Given the hackathon's two-day duration, projects will be evaluated exclusively on technical sophistication and utility. -Technical Focus: Depth and complexity of your project's implementation using Lit Actions. -Integration: How well your project interconnects with other systems to create impactful solutions. Note: Visual design, user interface aesthetics, and overall appearance will NOT be considered in the evaluation for this prize.


🛠️ Lit Protocol Workshop

Join the workshop to learn about Lit Protocol, what can be built with this network, and for answers to any question...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM PDT — Friday, Oct 18, 2024 in Workshop Room 2