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🚀 Helpful Tools & Resources

We've curated a collection of resources to supercharge your journey in the Ethereum ecosystem. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, there's something for everyone.

📚 General Ethereum Resources

🎨 NFTs and DAOs

🔧 Ethereum R&D

⚡ Layer 2 & Scaling Solutions

  • Ethereum for Everyone – Discover how Ethereum scales without compromising security.
  • Optimism – Learn about this low-cost, fast Ethereum Layer 2 solution.
  • L2Beat – Research Ethereum Layer 2 scalability solutions.
  • Vitalik on Rollups – Understand the importance of rollups with this guide.
  • zkSync – Dive into zk-Rollups and explore Ethereum's future scaling solutions.
  • Raiden Network – Fast, cheap, scalable token transfers for Ethereum
  • Perun) – Perun is an off-chain framework that supports real-time payments as well as complex business logic and supercharges any existing blockchain
  • Kchannels – A payment channel system for Ethereum with great UX and fast finality
  • Connext – Say Hello to a Multichain Ethereum
  • Polygon – Ethereum's Internet of Blockchains
  • Vitalik on zk-SNARKs – An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible
  • Paradigm Research – (Almost) Everything you need to know about Optimistic Rollup
  • Scaling Ethereum on L2 – Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups
  • ArbOS – The Arbitrum Operating System · Offchain Labs Dev Center
  • Loopring – zkRollup Exchange and Payment Protocol
  • StarkDEX Alpha – Bringing STARKs to Ethereum
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs – An illustrated primer
  • Vitalik on PLONK – Understanding PLONK
  • Learn to build using ZKS - How I learned zk-SNARKS from scratch

📖 Educational Resources

🎧 Podcasts & Books

  • Daily Gwei – Stay updated with the latest Ethereum news, tools, and resources.
  • Bankless – Explore the frontier of crypto money and finance on YouTube.
  • Ethereum Cat Herders – Interviews with the builders of our ecosystem.
  • Mastering Ethereum – A developer's guide to Ethereum.
  • The Infinite Machine – The story of Ethereum's rise with crypto-hackers.
  • Proof of Stake – Discover the philosophy of blockchains through the story of Ethereum.
  • Virtual Economies – How the basic concepts of economics—including markets, institutions, and money—can be used to create and analyze economies based on virtual goods

🌀 Miscellaneous

💰 Grants, Bounties and Prizes

🛠️ Feedback & Additional Resources

We're always working to improve this list! If you come across any broken links or outdated resources, please help us out by reporting them. And if you have recommendations for additional resources that you'd like to see featured here, don't hesitate to reach out!

Send us a message at [email protected]

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