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Spark is on a mission to empower the DAI ecosystem by building DeFi infrastructure as part of the MakerDAO ecosystem. DeFi Infrastructure SparkLend: The DAI centric money market protocol. Combining the best liquidity directly from Maker and vertically integrating with the best DeFi protocols. sDAI is a yield bearing stablecoin, representing DAI in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) module, which distributes revenue from the Maker protocol to DAI holders. SparkConduits allow for direct liquidity from Maker to protocols as part of the overall Maker Allocation System. SparkDAO is a Maker Allocator subDAO that owns and manages Spark through decentralised governance. Its launch, alongside the other subDAOs, is scheduled for May 2024.


🌳 Best use of SparkLend ⸺ $6,500Delivered in DAI tokens
1st Place
Best use of SparkLend, the DAI centric lending market. Among its features, the main value proposition is the ability to borrow DAI at a predictable rate, which does not change based on utilization (no sudden spikes!). The rate is defined by Maker governance and in doing so users know when the rate will change and also what the new value will be ahead of time.

Qualification Requirements

SparkLend must be an integral part of the project. Avoid simply "depositing idle liquidity" with no purpose or one that is not directly tied to the main objective/value of the project.

πŸ’Έ Best use of sDAI βΈΊ $6,500Delivered in DAI tokens
1st Place
Best use of sDAI, the yield bearing stablecoin built on top of DAI. It is the liquid representation of DAI in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) module, which distributes revenue from the Maker protocol to DAI holders. sDAI is an ERC4626 token so it inherits the attributes of ERC20, except that at minting and burning there is no transfer event and instead you have deposit and withdraw events.

Qualification Requirements

sDAI must be an integral part of the project. Avoid simply "depositing idle liquidity" with no purpose or one that is not directly tied to the main objective/value of the project. If you replace sDAI with any token and the project's value does not change, then it's a good indication that there is not real value of sDAI being part of your project.

πŸš‡ Best use of SparkConduits` βΈΊ $7,000Delivered in DAI tokens
1st Place
SparkConduits allow for direct liquidity from Maker to protocols as part of the overall Maker Allocation System. Conduits are adapters that plug in directly into protocols such as lending markets, allowing SparkDAO (or any other Maker subDAO) to provide liquidity directly.

Qualification Requirements

SparkConduits are meant to provide liquidity at a massive scale, so the project that makes use of them should have this aim in mind (note that a lot of projects cannot be scaled to the tune of millions and that is ok, but in that case we encourage you to look at SparkLend or sDAI in that case).


⚑️ defi is cool

I don't think I can convince you that DeFi is cool but _trust me, bro_. In this session we'll go over the DeFi inf...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM UTC+3 β€” Friday, Nov 17, 2023 in Workshop Room 1