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General Ethereum

ETHGlobal Guides - Explore and learn more about web3 with our own interactive guides!

ETHGlobal YouTube - Check out workshops, talks, summits and more!’s Getting Started Page - List of basic guides to get you started

Ethereum Studio Solidity IDE - In-browser IDE’s Developer Resources - List of guides, IDEs, tools, libraries, and more

Scaffold ETH - Everything you need to get started building decentralized applications powered by smart contracts

CryptoZombies - #1 Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course - A wiki of information, including technical resources, about Ethereum

Kauri - Articles, tutorials, documentation and best practicers for beginners

Building on AAVE Protocol - Dive Into AAVE Concepts and Integrations with Immersive Code Tutorials

Week in Ethereum - Weekly newsletter on all things Ethereum

OurNetwork - Weekly newsletter with data-driven insights from the top analysts and projects in web3


StarknetKit: wallet SDK - The wallet SDK for developers on Starknet

Scaffold-Stark - Open-source toolkit for building dApps on Starknet

Starknet-Scaffold - An open-source, up-to-date toolkit for building decentralized applications (dapps) on Starknet.

What is missing on Starknet? - Project ideas!

NFTs, DAOs and DAPPs

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) - A primer on NFTs

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) - A primer on DAOs

NFTGo - Discover, analyze, and trade NFTs faster and smarter than anyone else, aided by in-depth analytics and intelligent toolkits.

Decentralized Applications (DAPPs) - A primer on DAPPs

NFT Minting Code - Austin Griffith created two GitHub projects that generate NFT Minting Code

A New Media Structure: The Ownership Economy - An explainer in the whole category of NFTs and DAOs

Linda Xie - A beginner’s guide to NFTs

r/NFT - Reddit community

Chainlink NFT Guide - Build, Deploy, and Sell Your Own Dynamic NFT

Ethereum Whitepaper - Introductory paper that was originally published in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin.

Ethereum Yellow Paper - The Yellow Paper is a formal definition of the Ethereum protocol

Ethereum Foundation (EF) Blog - Latest updates from the EF

Years in Ethereum - Year in Ethereum reviews by Josh Stark and Evan van Ness

How Does Ethereum Work Anyway? - Medium post written by Preethi Kasireddy

Vitalik Buterin's website - Latest blogs from Vitalik Buterin

Staking with Ethereum - How To Stake Your ETH

Ethereum Wallets - An introduction to Ethereum wallets

CryptoCanon - A list of crypto readings and resources

Ultrasound.Money - Ultra sound money is an Ethereum meme focusing on the likely decrease of the ETH supply.

ETHGlobal Developer Survey Report - 2020 - A survey of 723 developers

The Crypto Compendium - 736-pager on everything from the origins of money to Ethereum's Merge-Surge-Scourge-Verge-Purge-Splurge to US and international regulations.

Ethereum Research and Development

Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians - A forum for the crypto community to have a place where anyone can join, create topics and discuss mainly about EIPs and technical difficulties of Ethereum ecosystem.

Ethereum Research - Ethereum Research forum

EF Research AMA - EF Research Ask Me Anything Reddit series

Ethereum Protocol Fellowship Program - A program designed to onboard developers to the process through which the protocol development happens.

Ethereum Next Billion Fellowship - A search for stories that inspire us to focus on the important things, to find balance and fairness in the way we go about solving our problems, to push deeper into the mysteries of human cooperation.

Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) - Standards specifying potential new features or processes for Ethereum.

Ethereum Protocol Call Channel - YouTube Channel that hosts All Core Dev Execution/Consensus calls and more!

Messari - Helps businesses, compliance teams, builders, and investors navigate the crypto economy.

Education Learn Hub - Educational guide to the world of Ethereum. Developer Resources - A builders manual for Ethereum. By builders, for builders. Find a Wallet - Wallets have lots of optional features which you might like. So choose your wallet based on the features you want. - A platform for developers to explore and learn about Web3 - Learn to code — for free. Build projects. Earn certifications.

SpeedRunEthereum - Learn how to build on Ethereum; the superpowers and the gotchas.

Alchemy University - Where builders learn to build. Fast track your web3 journey through courses, projects and code. Totally free.

Polygon Academy - A free online school dedicated to onboarding developers into the world of building Decentralized Applications for the future of the Web

Learning Web3 Development in 100 Days - Condensed Guide for Learning Web3 Development in 100 Days


Daily Gwei - The Daily Gwei ecosystem provides education, tools and resources to keep you in the loop with everything happening in the Ethereum ecosystem

Bankless - The Bankless YouTube channel, where we explore the frontier of crypto money and crypto finance

Ethereum Cat Herders - In depth interviews of the people building our ecosystem and beyond....


Mastering Ethereum - Mastering Ethereum is a book for developers, offering a guide to the operation and use of the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, RootStock (RSK) and other compatible EVM-based open blockchains.

The Infinite Machine - How an Army of Crypto-hackers Is Building the Next Internet with Ethereum

Proof of Stake - The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchains

Virtual Economies - How the basic concepts of economics—including markets, institutions, and money—can be used to create and analyze economies based on virtual goods

Layer 2

Ethereum for Everyone - Scaling Ethereum without compromising on security or decentralization.

Optimism - Optimism is a low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum L2 blockchain

L2Beat - L2BEAT is a research website for Ethereum layer two scalability solutions

The Ultimate Guide to L2s on Ethereum - Article written by DCBuilder

Grants, Bounties and Prizes

Ethereum Foundation (EF) Ecosystem Support Program (ESP) - We provide grants and other support to the builders of the Ethereum ecosystem

Gitcoin - Empowering communities to fund, build, & protect what matters

Ethereum Cat Herders - Decentralized project management to support the Ethereum Network.

Ethereum Bug Bounty Program - Ethereum's bug bounty program

State channels

Raiden Network - Fast, cheap, scalable token transfers for Ethereum

Perun - Perun is an off-chain framework that supports real-time payments as well as complex business logic and supercharges any existing blockchain

Kchannels - A payment channel system for Ethereum with great UX and fast finality

Connext - Say Hello to a Multichain Ethereum


Polygon - Ethereum's Internet of Blockchains

OMG Network - Boba is a next-generation Ethereum Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup scaling solution

Gluon - A Layer 2 scaling solution to power DeFi, Scalability is here!

Gazelle - Plasma Framework

LeapDAO - Delivering scalability as global public utility


Vitalik on rollups - An Incomplete Guide to Rollups

Vitalik on zk-SNARKs - An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible

Paradigm Research - (Almost) Everything you need to know about Optimistic Rollup

Scaling Ethereum on L2 - Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups

On the Road to StarkNet - A Permissionless STARK-Powered L2 ZK-Rollup

ArbOS - The Arbitrum Operating System · Offchain Labs Dev Center

Loopring - zkRollup Exchange and Payment Protocol

zkSync - Rely on math, not validators

StarkDEX Alpha - Bringing STARKs to Ethereum

Understanding ZK Rollups

Zero Knowledge Proofs - An illustrated primer

Vitalik on PLONK - Understanding PLONK

Learn to build using ZKS - How I learned zk-SNARKS from scratch


Lens Protocol - Intro to Lens

Lens Garden - What can Lens Protocol do?

What is Lens? 🌿 - Lens developer docs

Looking for ideas to hack?

Web3 Startup Ideas - Project/Startup ideas in virtually all Web3 topic verticals


Explaining NFTs, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 - Difference between ERC1155 and ERC721

EIP-2535: Diamond Standard - Ethereum improvement proposal

The Eth2 upgrades - The Ethereum we know and love, just more scalable, more secure, and more sustainable.

Off-Chain Data Storage: Ethereum & IPFS - Off-chain Data Storage

Stateless-Clients - EthHub - An Intro Reading to Statelessness

Broken Metre - Attacking Resource Metering in EVM

OpBench - A CPU Performance Benchmark for Ethereum Smart Contract Operation Code

ETH Gas Station - ETH Gas Station has historically been useful for exploring transactions and gas spending

Etherscan Gastracker - Analysis of gas on Ethereum

SKALE Developer Portal - Skale Network Developers docs