1. Should have communication (audio/video/data) working using Huddle01 SDK. 2. Utilize a social graph (like Farcaster, Lens) or domain service (like ENS, Lens) to build around socials. 3. Deployed working url to project & public github repo.
1. Successful integration of Huddle01 SDKs to power your dapp with audio/video/data comms. 2. Interaction with an LLM to enhance the meeting experience or build a product around it. 3. Deployed working url to project & public github repo.
1. The extent to which the project demonstrates innovative use of Huddle01 SDKs to solve real-world problems or create new opportunities. 2. Successful integration of Huddle01 SDKs to power your dapp with audio/video/data comms. 3. Deployed working url to project & public github repo.