🟣 We're too young to give out $$ prizes but we believe Neynar is the simplest way to build on Farcaster, period.
🖼️ For frames, Neynar offers:
1️⃣ validation API that returns fully hydrated data across multiple axes in one single API call [user, cast, whether the user liked the cast before interacting with the frame, whether the user followed the cast author before interacting with the frame, and app the interaction came from (helps filter out bot interactions)]. Frame analytics from this API will automatically show up inside your Neynar dev portal.
2️⃣ Frame creation APIs that take in a simple JSON object and return a frame url (no need to spend time on vercel, etc.; simple frames can be hosted and rendered in one API call).
3️⃣ action API that allows you to host frames and let other users interact with frames on your client.
🐸 💜 If building frames with tools like frog, onchainkit, framejs -- they already include built-in access to Neynar APIs and hubs :)
🎉 If you want to build frames for fun without writing code, there is a no-code frame builder inside the dev.neynar.com portal.
💰 For those participating in the hackathon, you can sign up for a month free with ```NEYNARFRAMEWORKS as the promo code. We won't mind if you cancel after, it's just that our account creations are tied to payment webhooks so we can't create accounts without a payment method yet 😅
💌 If you run into issues, post in the /neynar channel on Warpcast or DM @rishdoteth on Telegram