1. SDKs: Use any of the Web3Auth Web (non MPC) SDKs, namely: a. Web3Auth Core Kit Single Factor Auth Web SDK b. Web3Auth Plug and Play No Modal SDK c. Web3Auth Plug and Play Modal SDK 2. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. SDKs: Use any of the Web3Auth Mobile or Gaming SDKs, namely: a. Web3Auth PnP Android/ iOS/ React Native/ Flutter/ Unity/ Unreal SDKs b. Web3Auth SFA Android/ iOS/ React Native/ Flutter 2. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. SDKs: Utilise Web3Auth MPC Core Kit SDK in your Web/ React Native application. 2. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. Must participate in at least one of the above Web3Auth prize categories. 2. Demonstrate exceptional innovation, user experience, and integration quality.