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SSV Network



The SSV Network is a fully decentralized, open-source DVT infrastructure. It provides an open and simple infrastructure for splitting and distributing a validator key into multiple KeyShares, for the purpose of running an Ethereum validator across multiple non-trusting nodes. The infrastructure allows developers to distribute validators permissionlessly among globally decentralized node operators in a trust-minimized manner. By registering validators to SSV, re/staking applications can seamlessly plug into the network and utilize highly performant node operators as the backbone of their product.


💰 Best use of SSV for Restaking$1,500
Up to 2 teams will receive $750
These prizes are for building a restaking application using SSVs tooling. Points will be awarded for creativity for a staking app, overall look of the UI, and completeness.

Qualification Requirements

Project must be able to register a validator on testnet which is restaking.

📊 Best use of SSV Data$500
This award recognizes the best project showcasing practical SSV Network statistics. Eligible submissions include dashboards displaying data on SSV validators, operators, clusters, and related metrics. -- Example projects include: Comprehensive Account Owner Dashboard: This tool would enable SSV account owners to examine multiple validators and operators that they own, providing an address-based overview of all relevant statistics. -- Historical Data Metrics Dashboard: This dashboard would present aggregated metrics, offering insights into historical data trends.

Qualification Requirements

Integrate with SSV Subgraph and use it's API calls to obtain statistics

🛠️ Best enhancement to SSV tooling$3,000
1st place
2nd place
## This award is for the most outstanding enhancement to any of SSV's tools, processes, or onboarding systems. ## Example projects include: Bulk Validator Registration Tool: Currently, onboarding a large number of validators requires scripts to perform multiple contract calls. Integrating this functionality within a user-friendly GUI would significantly improve accessibility for non-developers. Validator/DKG Keys Creation Client: At present, creating validator keys and conducting the DKG ceremony are script-based tasks. Developing a GUI for these processes would greatly enhance user-friendliness for non-developers.

Qualification Requirements

Valid SSVNetwork contract call or valid keyshare file output.


Building a Restaking Dapp on SSV

Join our hands-on workshop, "Building a Restaking Dapp on SSV," designed for developers eager to dive into decentra...

This workshop is happening live

10:30 AM EDT — Friday, Aug 23, 2024