Deploying Omnichain Fungible Tokens
In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to deploy Omnichain Fungible Tokens (OFTs) using LayerZero's omnichain ...
To qualify for the most innovative solution track, participants must adhere to the following criteria: 1. Omnichain Messaging: Implement omnichain messaging solution via LayerZero integration, ensuring the application is built on Endpoint V2 for seamless cross-chain communication. 2. Innovative Contracts: Utilize our toolkit and documentation to develop original contracts that introduce groundbreaking functionalities, features, optimizations or establish new contract standard. Potential projects include but not limited to: - OApp: Cross-chain governance with multiple composed messages - OFT ERC6551: Omnichain Token Bound Accounts - OFT ERC4626: Omnichain Vault Standards - OFT for Rebasing Tokens: Omnichain Rebasing Tokens - ONFT721 Extensions - ONFT1155 - DVN Adapters: Adapting different GMP bridges to use the IDVN.sol interface for OApp security stack compatibility. 3. Working Demo: Utilize the 3-week hackathon to explore our protocol. We encourage you to build a well-rounded and polished project. 4. Feedback Form: Improve our tools and documentation by submitting valuable feedback. The best submission will receive a $750 prize. The form is available under "Resources".
In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to deploy Omnichain Fungible Tokens (OFTs) using LayerZero's omnichain ...