ETHOnline 2024




Hedera is an open-source, decentralized layer 1 network that operates on a proof-of-stake model, using the innovative hashgraph consensus algorithm. This algorithm is leaderless and provides strong security through asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT). The network is governed and operated by a diverse and decentralized council of top enterprises, universities, and web3 projects globally, ensuring responsible and transparent governance. Hedera's optimized EVM smart contracts enable developers to easily build applications using familiar EVM-based tools and infrastructure, and facilitate smooth deployment or migration across multiple chains. In addition, Hedera offers native services for tokenization and consensus. The Hedera Token Service (HTS) enables developers to create and manage native digital assets that interact with the EVM. These tools empower developers to build robust, real-time web3 applications and ecosystems, making the vision of a more connected and efficient internet a reachable goal. Hedera provides deterministic finality within 3 seconds, low fixed and predictable transaction fees, and fair transaction ordering with consensus timestamps. Its robust and scalable infrastructure makes it a reliable choice for developers.


🔥 Ecosystem Builder Bounty$6,000
1st place
2nd place
- Build something that is new to the Hedera ecosystem, or brings value to the Hedera ecosystem. Visit:

Qualification Requirements

- Must be deployed on (or send transactions to) the Hedera Testnet. - Must use at least two of the following: HTS, HCS, or HSCS. - The top 3 submissions will be judged and awarded based on the judging rubric. - Cannot be combined with beginner category prizes (EVM Starter or Hedera-Native Services Starter).

🏎️ EVM Starter Bounty$2,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $500
- Build anything you like - Submissions that use multiple Hedera services will be prioritized. - Otherwise, submissions are prioritized based on the order of submission.

Qualification Requirements

- Must be deployed on (or send transactions to) the Hedera Testnet. - Must use Hedera Smart Contract Service (HSCS).

🎉 Hedera-Native Services Starter Bounty$2,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $500
* Build anything you like. * Submissions that use multiple Hedera services will be prioritized. * Otherwise, submissions are prioritized based on the order of submission.

Qualification Requirements

- Must be deployed on (or send transactions to) the Hedera Testnet. - Must use at least one of Hedera Token Service (HTS) or Hedera Consensus Service (HCS).


Choose-your-own-adventure: Mint and transfer ...

Create a fungible token using Hedera Token Service. Create an ERC20 token using Hedera Smart Contract Service. Disc...

This workshop is happening live

10:00 AM EDT — Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024