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Radicle is a decentralized network for code collaboration. The Radicle stack is made up of a peer-to-peer network complemented by an opt-in Ethereum integration that enables global ENS-compatible names, decentralized organizations, and funding protocols that help maintainers sustain their open-source work. Get started with Radicle 👉 here 👈 Website | Twitter | Discord

Radicle is a decentralized network for code collaboration. The Radicle stack is made up of a peer-to-peer network complemented by an opt-in Ethereum integration that enables global ENS-compatible names, decentralized organizations, and funding protocols that help maintainers sustain their open-source work.

Get started with Radicle 👉 here 👈

Website | Twitter | Discord



🏆 Radicle is offering:

💡 $1,500 USDC for the best working sub-command built on the Radicle CLI

Submissions should be a working sub command that fulfills a useful function relating to Radicle, using the Radicle libraries: 

  • The command should take a —help flag that describes how to use it
  • The command should be implemented in Rust
  • The command should be easy to use and do something that cannot already easily be done with existing commands

Get started with the Radicle CLI

Check out the CLI libraries

🏊 $1,500 USDC pool prize to anybody who publishes and hosts their hackathon repository on Radicle

Check out for a step-by-step guide on how to put your code on Radicle.