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Being a winner from main judging track

Being a winner from main judging track

Prize details coming soon


IPFS is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS upgrades the web to work peer to peer, addressing data by what it is instead of where it’s located on the network, or who is hosting it. Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offering more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate.  Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours

IPFS is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS upgrades the web to work peer to peer, addressing data by what it is instead of where it’s located on the network, or who is hosting it.

Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offering more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate. 

Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours


IPFS & Filecoin$20,000
   ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $400 ×𝟷𝟶       ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $500 ×𝟻   

🧙 General Storage Track: $10k

Storage Wizard: The best use of or to use IPFS for content addressing and Filecoin for persistent, decentralized storage. Use of Bacalhau: compute-over-data stored on Filecoin also qualifies.

  • 🥇 Top 3 Winners - 3x $2,000
  • 🏊 Pool Prize - $4,000 (max $500 per project, up to 10 pool winners, please consult the judging criteria to ensure you qualify)

🚀 FVM Track: $10k

Most innovative use of FEVM, be creative! Bonus points for building projects relevant to storage and retrieval.

  • 🥇 Top 3 Winners - 3x $2,000
  • 🏊 Pool Prize - $4,000 (max $500 per project, up to 10 pool winners)

Getting Started

IPFS & Filecoin Developer Resources:




IPFS & Filecoin 🛠 Deploy your EVM to the Fil...

Leverage the FVM hardhat starter kit to deploy your EVM to FVM, to compute over state of stored data. This replaces...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured. Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.

Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord


   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺   

🏆 Polygon is offering a total of $20,000 in prizes

Polygon has five problem statements for hackers.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for a Polygon prize you must deploy a smart contract to either the Polygon Mainnet or the Mumbai Testnet. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan and write a short paragraph noting the prize you are targeting and describing how your hack solves the problem statement. Tell us what you’re building #onPolygon by tagging @0xPolygonDevs on twitter.

Exception: If you are building a Developer Tool, you must specify how this benefits the Polygon ecosystem if you are not deploying a specific smart contract for the project.

📇 $4,000 for best use of Polygon ID - Polygon ID is a solution that provides self-sovereign, decentralized and private identity for the next iteration of the Internet. Create a product that integrates Polygon ID’s on-chain verification and permissionless attestation. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan.

💸 $4,000 for best Defi project(s) - Polygon has a robust defi ecosystem, and we would love to see you building within it. We would love to see your Defi projects come to life, and in case you need some ideas, here are some challenges from our defi team on some impactful projects that can be built during the hackathon. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan.

🍀 $4,000 for best public goods - Public goods are good. Solve a problem relevant to any community you are part of by building either a public good or a regenerative finance app. Explain how someone would benefit from your hack and how it could scale globally. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan.

💻 $4,000 for best UX or DevX - One of the most challenging problems in Web3 is creating an intuitive and seamless User Experience for dapps. Build a dapp that raises the bar for UX in some way. Hint: check out Rahat’s EthOnline talk on UX. Within your README, explain what you’ve done to hack together an MDP (minimum delightful product). Note: building better UX does not necessarily mean building cool new UIs. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan.

🛠 $4,000 for best Developer Tool or DAO Tooling - Improving the developer experience (DX) is one of the key ways of gaining mass adoption of web3. Hack together an SDK, API, or tool for improving collaboration across DAOs and general web3 teams. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan.

Getting Started


Polygon 🛠 Polygon Building Issuers with the ...

In this workshop, we'll go over the newly released Polygon ID API and how you can leverage it to build a claims iss...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Worldcoin is a Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP).We’re super excited to give you the first opportunity to build on top of the World ID protocol. Wold ID enables Proof-of-Personhood so that any developer can build anonymous sybil resistant apps.

Worldcoin is a Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP).We’re super excited to give you the first opportunity to build on top of the World ID protocol. Wold ID enables Proof-of-Personhood so that any developer can build anonymous sybil resistant apps.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $550 ×𝟸𝟶   

$20,000 USD are up for grabs at the hackathon for people that build on top of World ID, distributed as follows:

  • 🥇 $4,000 to the Best overall 
  • 🧑‍⚖️ $3,000 to the Best governance app 
  • 🤝 $3,000 to the Best social app 
  • 🧞 $3,000 to the most creative use case
  • ✨ Up to 4x $1,000 to Honorable mentions 
  • 🏊 $3,000 Prize Pool - distributed equally among all qualifying submissions*

* Any prizes not awarded will be distributed in the prize pool.


Worldcoin 🛠 Proof of Personhood with World I...

World ID is a protocol that lets you prove a human is doing an action only once without revealing any personal data...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree

Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree


Push Protocol$20,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $83 ×𝟿𝟼   

Push Chat implementation: $6,000

  • 🥇 $3,000
  • 🥈 $2,000
  • 🥉 $1,000

Push Notification implementation: $6,000

  • 🥇 $3,000
  • 🥈 $2,000 
  • 🥉 $1,000

🏊‍♀️ Every project that uses Push Protocol gets to share a prize from an $8,000 prize pool.

Getting Started

Push Documentation:


Push Protocol 🛠 How to power your web3 app u...

We will be going through how developers can utilize Push, the communication protocol of web3, to send out decentral...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Biconomy is a Web3 developer platform that empowers blockchain developers to build without limits, so we can all easily access and benefit from a decentralized future. Integration with the new Biconomy SDK takes only minutes and allows easy plugging, stacking, and customization of APIs and modules that result in many UX benefits, including one-click user journeys, transaction bundling, and control over gas fees. KEY Benefits of #BiconomySDK: * ✅ Simplified UX + Use Onboarding * ✅ Secure and Easy Self-Custody * ✅ Gasless Transactions * ✅ One-Click, Chainless Experiences * ✅ Transaction Batching * ✅ Customisable and composable modules, like Legos

Biconomy is a Web3 developer platform that empowers blockchain developers to build without limits, so we can all easily access and benefit from a decentralized future.

Integration with the new Biconomy SDK takes only minutes and allows easy plugging, stacking, and customization of APIs and modules that result in many UX benefits, including one-click user journeys, transaction bundling, and control over gas fees.

KEY Benefits of #BiconomySDK:

  • ✅ Simplified UX + Use Onboarding
  • ✅ Secure and Easy Self-Custody
  • ✅ Gasless Transactions
  • ✅ One-Click, Chainless Experiences
  • ✅ Transaction Batching
  • ✅ Customisable and composable modules, like Legos


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $294 ×𝟷𝟽   

You must deploy a use or build on the Biconomy SDK to qualify for the Prize. Inside the project README file, you can write a short paragraph noting the Prize you are targeting and describing how your hack solves the problem statement. Please tell us what you’re building on #BiconomySDK by tagging @Biconomy on Twitter.

🥇 $3,000 - Best Module on Biconomy SDK

We believe that all Web3 users need a smooth and secure experience delivered efficiently. With Biconomy SDK, you can create smart contract wallets for your users. Create tooling or modules on SDK to improve and extend smart contract wallet functionality.

Some examples:

  • You could create social recovery functionality to help users recover their smart contract wallet.
  • You could create session keys to abstract repetitive user signatures and improve the user experience.
  • You could optimize the gas used for smart contract wallet creation.
  • You could build tooling to automate transactions on a smart contract wallet.
  • You could build tooling to protect smart contact wallet users from MEV bots.
  • You could build a multi-signature module on top of smart contract wallets.

🥈 $2,000 - Best Transaction Batch using Biconomy SDK

Today the need to sign every transaction individually leads to a complex multi-step user experience. With Biconomy SDK, you can batch transactions to create one-click flows. We are looking for impactful transaction batches which reduce user clicks, save on gas fees and save the user time. A great way to shoot for this Prize is to attempt to make transaction batches for the most innovative & widespread use cases.

For example You could create a use-case to batch to sell an NFT, swap those tokens to ETH with Uniswap, stake on Aave and reinvest the yield into ETH. Make it one click instead of asking for more than ten user signatures across four different platforms.

You could create a UI where users can make their transaction batches using smart contract wallets.

🏊‍♀️ $5,000 - Biconomy will grant $250 to dApps that integrate the Biconomy SDK, uses the smart contract wallets to build offer UX flows, and has a working demo/dapp (max 20 projects).


Biconomy 🛠 Building dApps that even grandmas...

This workshop will help you build seamless dApps from scratch with live hands-on coding. By leveraging the Biconomy...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Cartesi: The Blockchain OS, is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components. * \- Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain; * \- No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem; * \- No network gentrification; * \- Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains; * \- Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

Cartesi: The Blockchain OS, is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

  • - Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;
  • - No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;
  • - No network gentrification;
  • - Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;
  • - Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   
  • 🥇 - $5,000
  • 🥈 - $3,000
  • 🥉 - $2,000

Getting Started



Connext is a modular stack for crosschain and cross-rollup communication. Connext enables sending value and calling contracts across Ethereum-compatible chains and L2s, with plug-in support for non-Ethereum systems. Unlike other approaches, the Connext does this without weakening economic security by introducing third-party validators - it instead has the same trust considerations as the underlying chain(s).

Connext is a modular stack for crosschain and cross-rollup communication. Connext enables sending value and calling contracts across Ethereum-compatible chains and L2s, with plug-in support for non-Ethereum systems. Unlike other approaches, the Connext does this without weakening economic security by introducing third-party validators - it instead has the same trust considerations as the underlying chain(s).


   ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $300 ×𝟷𝟶   
  • 🥇 $5,000 — Best project built on Connext
  • ⛓ $1,000 — Take an existing protocol crosschain with Connext
  • 🏹 $1,000 — Crosschain DAOs built using Connext<>Zodiac
  • 🌠 $1,000 — Project built on NFTHashi<>Connext
  • 💡 $1,000 — Best new crosschain use case
  • 🏊 $1,000 — Pool bounty for using xCall (be sure to submit the wallet address associated with your project to receive this)


Need immediate, structured and detailed blockchain data for Polygon, Ethereum, or 40+ other EVM chains and Solana? Covalent’s got you covered with our one unified API. Register for a free API key and join the 40,000+ developers using the Covalent API to power their Web3 applications. We’ll even send you an exclusive ETHIndia NFT just for signing up 🔥 Website | Discord | Twitter

Need immediate, structured and detailed blockchain data for Polygon, Ethereum, or 40+ other EVM chains and Solana? Covalent’s got you covered with our one unified API.

Register for a free API key and join the 40,000+ developers using the Covalent API to power their Web3 applications. We’ll even send you an exclusive ETHIndia NFT just for signing up 🔥



   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $200 ×𝟺𝟶   

Covalent is offering $10,000 USD (stablecoin) in prizes broken down as follows:

  • 🥇  1st - $3,000
  • 🥈  2nd - $2,000
  • 🥉  3rd - $1,000
  • … And a $4,000 pool prize!

Prizes will be awarded at Covalent's discretion based on the:

  • Use case and problem addressed
  • Quality of the live app or working demo
  • Use of the Covalent API

The Covalent API is ideal for building multi-chain projects where you need balances, transactions, token holders, pricing, and decoded log event data such as:

  • NFT marketplaces
  • DeFi and DAO analytics dashboards
  • Wallets and asset tracking
  • Tax and accounting applications

Getting Started

Getting Started

  • API Key - You’ll need this to use our API
  • API Docs - Use the Covalent API directly from the browser with our API docs
  • Covalent Postman Collection - Quickly sample all of Covalent’s endpoints from the comforts of your Postman workspace.
  • Knowledge Base - check out our developer support resources and details on every supported blockchain network.
  • Templates - build rapidly with our ready-to-use code templates, React components and other web3 resources


Covalent 🛠 Building Web3 Applications with O...

Web3 has a data access problem. Aggregated data for simple use cases, such as balances, transactions, dex pages, ar...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto. Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more. Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer. We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?

Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto.

Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more.

Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer.

We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?



Dune is offering:

  • 🥇 5x bounties of $2,000 each
  • 🧢 Limited edition swag for winners
  • 👕 Swag for everyone who uses Dune in their project

How to qualify ☑️

  • Projects must successfully integrate the Dune API to qualify. Projects are free to use other tools and can also qualify for other award submissions.
  • To hand in your submission: indicate Dune in your project submission on the ETHIndia Hacker Dashboard (Sun, Dec 4th).

Judging criteria ⚖️

  1. How useful is your application
  2. How integral is the Dune API
  3. General epic-ness

Getting Started

To learn how to use our API, with quickstarts and language specific examples, see our API documentation.

We'll have a dedicated support channel on our community Discord at #dune-api.


Dune 🛠 Deploy an app with Dune in 30 minutes

As the title suggests. In this workshop, you will see a live demonstration of an app built and deployed using the n...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $111 ×𝟺𝟻   
  • 🥇 - $3,000
  • 🥈 - $2,000

Integration bounty (distributed amongst all projects that resolves ENS names and avatars) - $5k

Getting Started


ENS 🛠 Identity in your dApps

ENS is your web3 identity. Learn how to integrate web3 identity into your dApp, how to build on-top of it, how it w...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Safe is the most trusted platform to manage digital assets and secures >$40 Billion in assets today. With its flagship web and mobile interfaces and expanding ecosystem, Safe is on a mission to unlock digital ownership for everyone in web3 including DAOs, enterprises, retail or institutional users by establishing a universal standard for custody of digital assets, data and identity with smart contract-based accounts.

Safe is the most trusted platform to manage digital assets and secures >$40 Billion in assets today. With its flagship web and mobile interfaces and expanding ecosystem, Safe is on a mission to unlock digital ownership for everyone in web3 including DAOs, enterprises, retail or institutional users by establishing a universal standard for custody of digital assets, data and identity with smart contract-based accounts.


Safe (Prev. Gnosis-Safe)$10,000
   ㉧ $3,043       ㉧ $2,043 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,043 ×𝟹   

🏆 Best project on top of Safe - $10,000

  • Read more about the bounty >> here <<

Getting Started


Safe Core SDK 🛠 Managing modules and transac...

Access the Safe functionality with the Safe Core SDK and learn about the transaction flow and the management of mod...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.

Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🥇 $4,000 - 'Best use of Hyperlane' interchain API - To win this prize you simply need to build an application that utilizes the Hyperlane API to establish interchain connectivity. You could be passing messages or assets. You could be making cross-chain view calls or oraclize data between blockchains. There is really no end to what you could build, but given that time is of the essence you don’t want to expand scope too much. - A great way to shoot for the top prize is to attempt to make an interchain version of a popular app, i.e. an interchain Compound or Sudoswap. - Another application we would love to see if a Blockchain Smart Router. Imagine being able to route computation to the cheapest blockchain within the Hyperlane network, and then being able to retrieve or read that state whenever necessary from your home chain. Effectively turning any blockchain into your layer 2 and beyond. This will be incredibly challenging to build, but the rewards will be far greater than you can imagine!

💸 $2,000 - Best use of Hyperlane - DeFi related - As noted above there are many ways you can win our prizes, but here are some DeFi related ideas: You could use our Accounts API to create an app that allows for interchain swaps without having to deploy any contracts on remote chains. You could create an interchain Stableswap, accepting deposits of assets on multiple chains and creating unified liquidity pools. You could create an interchain lending app, allowing borrowers to borrow against collateral from a remote chain. You could create a contract that allows you to control multiple SAFEs or DAOs on remote chains. Using Interchain Accounts you could do this without having to deploy any additional logic on the receiving chains. - You could create interchain payment streaming contracts, collecting deposits on a number of chains and directing assets to their destinations.

🌠 $2,000 - Best use of Hyperlane - NFT related - You could create an interchain minting contract that acts as a load balancer between chains, i.e collecting orders on several chains (with lower fees or higher throughput) and executing the mint on a different chain. - You could create an interchain nft collection where the NFTs have different properties based on the chain they’re currently on.

🏗 $2,000 - Best use of Hyperlane - Infrastructure, Governance, or Gaming - With respect to infrastructure, here’s a chance to build infrastructure either for Hyperlane or build infrastructure for other protocols that uses Hyperlane. - More specific applications and examples include: SAFE based app would be one that allows you to create a SAFE on one chain, and use any app on any Hyperlane supported chain from that SAFE. An EIP 5164 implementation A Tally or other Governance related integration - Lastly, an example we'd love to see built would be a modification with Hyperlane mailboxes or agents (relayer and validator) binaries to make them compatible with non-EVM environments such as Cosmos, Fuel, and others. - On the gaming front, either a game, or gaming related infrastructure would qualify.


Hyperlane 🛠 Building Interchain With Hyperla...

Building Interchain applications with Hyperlane! In this workshop you'll learn the basics of Hyperlane and how you ...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Instadapp is a powerful aggregator that integrates DeFi protocols into one platform and provides complex strategies available in a single click. Through the Instadapp dashboard, users can track and manage their assets across protocols, identify optimal DeFi parameters, and execute transactions via the underlying smart contracts. Our platform is open to developers of all sizes, from solo programmers to hacker groups and globally scaled teams. Our team and community members look forward to helping you build an application on top of Instadapp with maximum security and composability. Using Instadapps DSA, you can build complex strategies seamlessly on top of Compound v2/v3, Aave v2/v3, Maker, Euler, Morpho, Curve, and Uniswap, supporting multiple chains, including Mainnet, Polygon, Optimism, and Avalanche. Website | Discord | Twitter

Instadapp is a powerful aggregator that integrates DeFi protocols into one platform and provides complex strategies available in a single click. Through the Instadapp dashboard, users can track and manage their assets across protocols, identify optimal DeFi parameters, and execute transactions via the underlying smart contracts.

Our platform is open to developers of all sizes, from solo programmers to hacker groups and globally scaled teams. Our team and community members look forward to helping you build an application on top of Instadapp with maximum security and composability.

Using Instadapps DSA, you can build complex strategies seamlessly on top of Compound v2/v3, Aave v2/v3, Maker, Euler, Morpho, Curve, and Uniswap, supporting multiple chains, including Mainnet, Polygon, Optimism, and Avalanche.

WebsiteDiscord | Twitter



🏆 Instadapp is offering $10,000 in prizes:

💡 Innovative and creative integration of Instadapp: 2 teams win $3,000 per team.

🧠 Smart integration of Instadapp: 2 teams win $2,000 per team.

While we encourage hackers to come up with their own ideas, here are some to pick your brain:

Creative Ninja - Build Recipe maker (batch transactions). Create a recipe maker which would batch multiple transactions into one using dsa-connect SDK. E.g., create DSA, supply, and leverage in one click.

Scripting Ninja - Create an automated refinancing script that would automatically refinance the position to another protocol if it’s risky. The script can check the current ratio of position and potential ratios on other protocols, and whichever has the least ratio will initiate an automatic position transfer to that protocol.

DeFi Ninja - Build Limit Order contracts on Uniswap. When a user will create a limit order, create a small position on the nearest tick to the price using a smart contract and send a closing transaction whenever the price crosses that position through the backend.

Coder Ninja - Build a whitelisted manager contract. Create a contract that will be an authority on DSA and can whitelist connectors.

Getting Started


Instadapp 🛠 Building DeFi dApps on Instadapp...

A real-time demo on how to build a DeFi dapp on Instadapp Smart Wallet using Playground.

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


LI.FI is a cross-chain bridge and DEX aggregator. LI.FI's SDK supports swapping from one asset on one chain to a different asset on another chain through the best route possible with the help of 10s of bridges and DEXs inside LI.FI. The market leaders like Metamask, Alchemix, DefiSaver, Omni Wallet, etc, are currently using LI.FI.

LI.FI is a cross-chain bridge and DEX aggregator. LI.FI's SDK supports swapping from one asset on one chain to a different asset on another chain through the best route possible with the help of 10s of bridges and DEXs inside LI.FI.

The market leaders like Metamask, Alchemix, DefiSaver, Omni Wallet, etc, are currently using LI.FI.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,750       ㉧ $1,250       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $214 ×𝟷𝟻𝟶𝟶   

🏆 LI.FI Bounties LI.FI is offering a total of $10,000 (in USDC) to project building on the SDK/API for bridge and DEX aggregation.

Here's how it is divided:

Here's a list of ideas that you can build using LI.FI as well.

🚀 Best uses of LI.FI SDK/API or the customizable Widget

  • 🥇 1st place: $2,500
  • 🥈 2nd: $1,250
  • 🥉 3rd: $750
  • 4️⃣ 4th: $500

☎️ Best uses of LI.FI xChain Contract calls

  • 🥇 1st: $1,250
  • 🥈 2nd: $750

🏊 Pool prize for adding LI.FI Widget to a project aiming to deploy on L2 chains

  • $1,500 pool prize

Partner Bounties

🤝 Additional Bounties for using Etherspot+LI.FI

  • 🥇 1st: $750
  • 🥈 2nd: $450
  • 🥉 3rd: $300


LI.FI 🛠 Intro to LI.FI

We'll be showcasing various ways you can use LI.FI and build projects using it.

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


## What is Livepeer? Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works. ## What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻 Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.

What is Livepeer?

Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works.

What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻

Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

Wow us with the best hacks using 1) Livepeer Studio’s API for video Livestream or On Demand or 2)our livepeer.js SDK for playback of videos stored on IPFS or Arweave

Examples of dApps we'd love to see: web3 social (ex: LensTube), creator economy (ex:, video NFTs (ex., gaming (ex., and DAO video tools (ex.

  • 🥇 1st - $5,000
  • 🥈 2nd - $3,000
  • 🥉 3rd - $2,000

Check out the Hacker Quickstart Guide


Livepeer 🛠 Building the future of video with...

Video streaming currently uses 80% of all internet bandwidth, but for many businesses, streaming video is very expe...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Rather than apply brute computing force, Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to design an entire blockchain that is about 22kb, the size of a couple of tweets. It is the first layer-1 to enable efficient implementation and easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts (zkApps). With its unique privacy features and ability to connect to any website, Mina is building a private gateway between the real world and crypto—and the secure, democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States. Website | Twitter | Discord | GitHub

Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Rather than apply brute computing force, Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to design an entire blockchain that is about 22kb, the size of a couple of tweets. It is the first layer-1 to enable efficient implementation and easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts (zkApps). With its unique privacy features and ability to connect to any website, Mina is building a private gateway between the real world and crypto—and the secure, democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States.

Website | Twitter | Discord | GitHub


Mina Protocol$10,000
   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 Mina is offering:

  • 🥇 First Prize - $4,000
  • 🥈 Second Prize - $3,000
  • 🥉 Third Prize - $2,000
  • 🏊 Prize Pool - $1,000


Mina zkApps 🛠 Zero Knowledge Programming wit...

Mina is the first Layer-1 blockchain with support for zero-knowledge smart contracts, zkApps. This workshop will di...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


PowerLoom Protocol aggregates on-chain and off-chain data to generate snapshots with cryptographic proofs in a decentralized manner. It aims to build trust and offer meaningful insights on demand through a rich ecosystem of peers and stakeholders incentivized to participate in the protocol.

PowerLoom Protocol aggregates on-chain and off-chain data to generate snapshots with cryptographic proofs in a decentralized manner. It aims to build trust and offer meaningful insights on demand through a rich ecosystem of peers and stakeholders incentivized to participate in the protocol.



🏆 Total Prize Pool - $10,000

  • 🥇 First Prize - $4,000
  • 🥈 Second Prize - $3,000
  • 🥉 Third Prize - $2,000
  • 🏊‍♀️ Common Prize Pool - $1,000 (for successful* integration)


PowerLoom 🛠 Hacking on DeFi data using Power...

⚙️ PowerLoom Protocol offers pre-computed, validated snapshots of state transitions on Uniswap style AMM smart cont...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


StackOS is a cross-chain infrastructure protocol, that provides decentralized cloud (DeCloud) for running any full-stack application, (d)Apps, nodes, games etc.StackOS is the fastest-growing DeCloud, where you can run high-traffic applications like full-stack apps, DApps, blockchain nodes, and websites.We have served over 75+ Million requests over the network and have more than 1500 actively deployed apps.Version2 enables us to be the World's only protocol that adds compute to the NFTs.

StackOS is a cross-chain infrastructure protocol, that provides decentralized cloud (DeCloud) for running any full-stack application, (d)Apps, nodes, games etc.StackOS is the fastest-growing DeCloud, where you can run high-traffic applications like full-stack apps, DApps, blockchain nodes, and websites.We have served over 75+ Million requests over the network and have more than 1500 actively deployed apps.Version2 enables us to be the World's only protocol that adds compute to the NFTs.


   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $119 ×𝟺𝟸   

📈 Best use of StackOS by winners of Polygon/Ethereum:

🥇 1st prize: $2,200

🥈 2nd prize: $800

💡 Best use of StackOS DeCloud:

🥇 1st prize: $1,500

🥈 2nd prize: $500

🏊 Pool prize – Deploy on StackOS to win from the pool-prize:

$5,000 split among all teams


StackOS 🛠 Deploying an app on DeCloud infras...

Deploying an app on DeCloud (decentralized cloud) infrastructure is hard. StackOS makes it easy! Learn how to deplo...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


The Graph is an indexing protocol for organising and efficiently accessing data from blockchains and storage networks. The Graph has been running a hosted service since January 2019 with over 2,300 subgraphs deployed for Web3 and DeFi applications built on Ethereum and IPFS, like Synthetix, Uniswap, Aave, Balancer, Gnosis, Aragon, and more.

The Graph is an indexing protocol for organising and efficiently accessing data from blockchains and storage networks. The Graph has been running a hosted service since January 2019 with over 2,300 subgraphs deployed for Web3 and DeFi applications built on Ethereum and IPFS, like Synthetix, Uniswap, Aave, Balancer, Gnosis, Aragon, and more.


The Graph$10,000
   ㉧ $2,200       ㉧ $800       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $51 ×𝟹𝟿   

💡 Best new subgraph on The Graph Explorer:

  • 🥇 1st prize: $2,200
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $800

📈 Best use of existing subgraph(s) on The Graph Explorer:

  • 🥇 1st prize: $1,500
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $500

🏊 Pool prize – Build a dapp using subgraphs (new or existing) to win from the pool-prize:

  • $2,000 split among all teams

Getting Started

  • Here's a Hacker Resource Pack to get you up-to-speed with The Graph and its judging criteria. Additionally, get started with subgraphs in 15min with the Subgraph Cheatsheet.
  • Learn more about The Graph protocol and subgraphs in detail by checking out the official documentation.


The Graph 🛠 Building Decentralised GraphQL A...

In this workshop, we'll be learning how to leverage the power of GraphQL APIs to index and query blockchain data fo...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Valist is a universal software deployment protocol. It enables developers to deploy and monetize web, desktop, and mobile apps in seconds, all in one place. No managing infra, multiple SaaS products, or dealing with 30%+ marketplace fees!

Valist is a universal software deployment protocol. It enables developers to deploy and monetize web, desktop, and mobile apps in seconds, all in one place. No managing infra, multiple SaaS products, or dealing with 30%+ marketplace fees!


   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $500 ×𝟼       ㉧ $100 ×𝟻𝟶   
  • 🏊 $5,000 prize pool split between all projects deployed with Valist
  • 🌠 2 x $1,000 - Best use of Software License NFTs / Valist Protocol
  • 🎮 6 x $500 - Best apps/games deployed with Valist

Getting Started


Valist 🛠 Deploying and Monetizing Apps and G...

Intro to Valist Protocol: Universal Software Deployment & Monetization In this workshop you will learn how to easi...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Etherspot is an account abstraction SDK that gives projects access to multi-chain, non-custodial, Smart Wallet framework.  🧑‍💻The React BUIDLer component enables any dApp to go cross-chain in one click! It’s a component which grants devs the ability to compose complex user actions, utilizing Etherspot’s array of features, batch them into one interaction and quickly integrate it without changing the user flow of their dApps. <>

Etherspot is an account abstraction SDK that gives projects access to multi-chain, non-custodial, Smart Wallet framework. 

🧑‍💻The React BUIDLer component enables any dApp to go cross-chain in one click! It’s a component which grants devs the ability to compose complex user actions, utilizing Etherspot’s array of features, batch them into one interaction and quickly integrate it without changing the user flow of their dApps.



Etherspot Account Abstraction

  • 🥇 1st place: Best Account Abstraction Implementation – $4,000
  • 🥈 2nd place: Best Protocol Integration BUIDLer – $2,500
  • 🥉 3rd place: Best Integration BUIDLer – $1,500

Best project to use

  • 🥇 1st place: $750
  • 🥈 2nd place: $450
  • 🥉 3rd place: $300

Ideas of use-cases:

  • Yield balancing on lending/yield protocols
  • Borrowing assets cross-chain
  • Multihopping between EVM chains with less liquidity

🪄What your dApps will gain by using the Etherspot SDK:

  • control smart wallets from any RPC end point (users don't have to network switch to a chain to execute transactions)
  • P2P payment channels and payment hubs
  • meta transactions (pay for gas in any token)
  • sponsored transactions (pay for users gas)
  • smart contract-based accounts
  • transaction batching / multi-call (batch complex transactions into 1 transaction for better user experience)
  • 15 EVM chains support and roll ups
  • NFT support and more!


Etherspot BUIDLer 🛠 simplify your dApp's UX ...

Learn more on how to significantly improve UX of your dApp and add cross-chain superpowers! Workshop agenda: - Int...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Extend the functionality of MetaMask The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps. <>

Extend the functionality of MetaMask The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps.


MetaMask Snaps$10,000

💸 10,000 USD in MetaMask snaps bounties divided across the top 5 teams ($2,000 each)

Getting Started

More to come!



zkBob is a privacy application which anonymizes transfers between users. The BOB stablecoin lets users exchange value in a stable, predictable manner. zkSnarks prove certain actions have occurred without revealing details about who completed the action or the amount transferred. Compliance features deter bad actors and illicit usage. zkBob gives privacy back to the everyday user.

zkBob is a privacy application which anonymizes transfers between users. The BOB stablecoin lets users exchange value in a stable, predictable manner. zkSnarks prove certain actions have occurred without revealing details about who completed the action or the amount transferred. Compliance features deter bad actors and illicit usage. zkBob gives privacy back to the everyday user.


   ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $500 ×𝟺   

🏆 5 prizes of $2000 in BOB ($2000 USD equivalent) will be awarded.

  • 🥇 The top 5 projects utilizing the zkBob API will each receive a $2,000 prize. Creativity, innovation, and implementation will be considered during judging.


  • Build on Polygon
  • Use BOB custodial API (zkBob cloud) for private transfers

Use Case Ideas:

  • Donation platform where donors maintain anonymity
  • Fundraising platform with internal KYC while maintaining public privacy
  • DAO accounting application
  • Private payment-splitting application for friend groups
  • Wallet integration for private payments - integrate BOB payments into an open source wallet
  • Tip bot/extension (telegram bot, twitter bot, browser extension)
  • Food delivery service with private payments
  • BOB powered vending machine/POS
  • *Extra credit: Direct library integration, direct deposits

Getting Started

  • Get an API Key & BOB: Join the telegram at to request your API key. The API key is used to generate and interact with the zkBob cloud wallet. You will receive 10 BOB into the account to use for testing and demonstration.
  • HackMD: View the HackMD with extended API documentation and usage examples.
  • Explore API Methods: Use Swagger and Postman links to view available methods for shielded account interaction. Note that the current API does not include deposit and withdrawal functionality, only proving mechanisms related to transfers. Deposits and withdrawals may be performed manually.
  • Hackathon Hub:


zkBob 🛠 How to Use zkBob Cloud in Your Appli...

How to incorporate zkBob Cloud API into your application to implement private transactions.

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


The Ethereum Support Program (ESP) is the public-facing allocation arm of the Ethereum Foundation focused on strengthening Ethereum's foundations and enabling future builders: improving infrastructure, expanding the range of tools available to those building on Ethereum, deepening our understanding of cryptographic primitives, and growing the builder ecosystem through education and community development. Website | Twitter

The Ethereum Support Program (ESP) is the public-facing allocation arm of the Ethereum Foundation focused on strengthening Ethereum's foundations and enabling future builders: improving infrastructure, expanding the range of tools available to those building on Ethereum, deepening our understanding of cryptographic primitives, and growing the builder ecosystem through education and community development.

Website | Twitter


Ethereum Foundation$10,000
   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸   

🏆 The Ethereum Foundation will award $10,000 for projects building using Account Abstraction.

📲 A browser-based or mobile wallet demonstrating creative use of ERC 4337:

  • 2x🥇 — $2,500

🛠 Best ERC-4337 tools for developers and users:

  • 2x🥇 — $2,500


Cronos ( is the first EVM-compatible layer 1 blockchain network built on the Cosmos SDK, supported by, and more than 300 app developers and partners. Cronos is building an open ecosystem where developers can create their own DeFi and GameFi applications for an addressable base of 50+ million users globally. Earlier this year, Cronos Labs launched a $100M Accelerator ( program to help developers build new blockchain projects and the future of Web3. When developers build on Cronos, they can leverage: all Ethereum developer tools (Solidity, Truffle, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, Web3.js, ethers.js, ChainSafe Gaming SDK, etc.); several leading wallets (MetaMask, Defi Wallet, Trust Wallet); wrapped versions of the world’s top 50 cryptocurrencies; Cronos Play (, a suite of developer tools for web, Unity, C++ and Unreal game developers; IBC cross-chain connectivity to Cosmos chains; and a rich ecosystem of composable DeFi and GameFi Dapps.

Cronos ( is the first EVM-compatible layer 1 blockchain network built on the Cosmos SDK, supported by, and more than 300 app developers and partners.

Cronos is building an open ecosystem where developers can create their own DeFi and GameFi applications for an addressable base of 50+ million users globally. Earlier this year, Cronos Labs launched a $100M Accelerator ( program to help developers build new blockchain projects and the future of Web3.

When developers build on Cronos, they can leverage: all Ethereum developer tools (Solidity, Truffle, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, Web3.js, ethers.js, ChainSafe Gaming SDK, etc.); several leading wallets (MetaMask, Defi Wallet, Trust Wallet); wrapped versions of the world’s top 50 cryptocurrencies; Cronos Play (, a suite of developer tools for web, Unity, C++ and Unreal game developers; IBC cross-chain connectivity to Cosmos chains; and a rich ecosystem of composable DeFi and GameFi Dapps.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 Best projects built on Cronos (Mainnet or Testnet)

  • 🥇 1st prize: $2,500
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd prize: $1,000

Getting Started



The Gnosis Chain is a stable payments EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain designed for fast and inexpensive transactions. The chain uses a unique dual-token model; xDai is a stable token used for transactions, payments, and fees, and Proof of Stake protection will be provided by GNO with the consensus-layer Gnosis Beacon Chain.

The Gnosis Chain is a stable payments EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain designed for fast and inexpensive transactions. The chain uses a unique dual-token model; xDai is a stable token used for transactions, payments, and fees, and Proof of Stake protection will be provided by GNO with the consensus-layer Gnosis Beacon Chain.


Gnosis Chain$5,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $500 ×𝟺   
  • 🥇 1st prize: $3,000
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd prize: $500

Getting Started


Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.

Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.


Lens Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $1,500   

🏆 Lens Protocol is awarding $5,000 for the Best use of Lens Protocol 🥇 1st Prize — $3,500 🥈 2nd Prize — $1,500

Getting Started


Marlin is a distributed node network that allows developers to outsource intensive zero-knowledge prover computations and operations of backend services to enclaves, GPUs and FPGAs. Enclaves ensure the integrity of computations and confidentiality of data on third-party systems allowing even secrets like private keys to be transmitted for autonomous bots and low-latency event-based applications.

Marlin is a distributed node network that allows developers to outsource intensive zero-knowledge prover computations and operations of backend services to enclaves, GPUs and FPGAs. Enclaves ensure the integrity of computations and confidentiality of data on third-party systems allowing even secrets like private keys to be transmitted for autonomous bots and low-latency event-based applications.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟸   

Marlin will award three prizes for the most innovative use case of the Marlin network:

  • 🥇 – $2000
  • 🥈x2 – $1500 each

Use Case Ideas:

  • Anything involving a backend or off-chain actions
  • Deploy existing services like the Flashbots relay, pokt gateways, graph gateways inside enclaves
  • Oracles that use enclaves to ensure security and integrity
  • Backrunning services that share MEV with users
  • RFQ/CoW/Batch auction style DEXes that use enclaves to objectively determine best execution
  • Apps that process sensitive data like identity, medical records, financial records while still preserving privacy
  • ZK apps for payments, voting, credit-scoring that oursource ZK proof generation to Marlin


Moonbeam is a smart contract platform for cross-chain-connected applications that unite assets and functionality from Polkadot, Ethereum, Cosmos, Avalanche, and more. Learn more at <>

Moonbeam is a smart contract platform for cross-chain-connected applications that unite assets and functionality from Polkadot, Ethereum, Cosmos, Avalanche, and more. Learn more at


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $1,000   

Bounty 1: Create a Cross-Chain dApp around Moonbeam and Connected Contracts

Moonbeam is a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications that can access users, assets, and services on any chain. By uniting functionality from Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot, and more into a single platform, Moonbeam solves today’s fragmented user experience — unlocking true interoperability and paving the way for the next generation of apps. 

From Moonbeam, you can call any contract on any supported chain - allowing you to build feature-rich and enjoyable user experiences. Your project will be eligible for this bounty if it calls a contract on a remote chain from Moonbeam to fulfill a non-trivial purpose in your app.

Moonbeam has integrated with a variety of general message passing (GMP) protocols that enable you to call contracts on remote chains. For example, this means that from Moonbeam, you could direct a swap to take place on Polygon, buy an NFT on Ethereum, or vote on a remote chain. Getting started with cross chain message passing is easy, and we have a number of tutorials to help get you started!

  1. Axelar
  2. Step-by-step guide
  3. Intro workshop
  4. Wormhole 
  5. Intro workshop
  6. LayerZero
  7. Step-by-step guide
  8. Intro workshop
  9. Hyperlane 
  10. Step-by-step guide 
  11. Intro workshop

🏆 Prizes:

  • 1 Prize of $4,000


Bounty 2: Use One of Moonbeam’s Solidity Interfaces (Precompiles)

Moonbeam has a variety of precompiles that package powerful features like cross-chain transfers, democracy, and on-chain randomness into easy-to-access Solidity interfaces. You can call the methods of these Solidity interfaces from your dApp’s frontend, or directly from a Solidity smart contract (for precompiles that have been finalized). You can find a full list of Moonbeam’s precompiles here. Each precompile listed on the Moonbeam Docs Site includes a step-by-step tutorial on the methods of the interface and how to utilize them. Your project will be eligible for this bounty if it utilizes any method of any Moonbeam precompile in a non-trivial way. 

🏆 Prizes:

  • 2 Prizes of $500

Getting Started


NFTPort is the Stripe for NFTs: one-stop, simple NFT Infrastructure and APIs for developers to bring NFT applications to market in hours instead of months. NFTPort takes care of the infrastructure so that developers can focus on building their application. NFTPort provides APIs for multi-chain NFT data and NFT minting, together with out-of-the-box NFT search, recommendations and detecting NFT counterfeits. NFTPort is used by 5000+ devs, including leading projects such as POAP and Nifty Gateway. Built by a team of ex-NATO, Nvidia & Monese and backed by the Co-Founders of Polygon, Skype & Wise.

NFTPort is the Stripe for NFTs: one-stop, simple NFT Infrastructure and APIs for developers to bring NFT applications to market in hours instead of months. NFTPort takes care of the infrastructure so that developers can focus on building their application. NFTPort provides APIs for multi-chain NFT data and NFT minting, together with out-of-the-box NFT search, recommendations and detecting NFT counterfeits. NFTPort is used by 5000+ devs, including leading projects such as POAP and Nifty Gateway. Built by a team of ex-NATO, Nvidia & Monese and backed by the Co-Founders of Polygon, Skype & Wise.



🏊‍♂️ NFTPort Pool Prize — $5,000

  • Split between any team making meaningful use of NFTPort. To qualify you must accurately report your use of the API.

Getting Started


Router Protocol is building a suite of cross-chain liquidity infra primitives that aims to seamlessly provide bridging infrastructure between current and emerging Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain solutions. Developers can add interoperability to dApps with the General Message Passing feature, available across all connected EVM chains. Build Cross-chain DApps by leveraging Router Protocol's CrossTalk library, which offers a cross-chain suite in a box.

Router Protocol is building a suite of cross-chain liquidity infra primitives that aims to seamlessly provide bridging infrastructure between current and emerging Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain solutions.

Developers can add interoperability to dApps with the General Message Passing feature, available across all connected EVM chains. Build Cross-chain DApps by leveraging Router Protocol's CrossTalk library, which offers a cross-chain suite in a box.


Router Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 Router Protocol is offering:

  • 🥇 First Prize - $2,500
  • 🥈 Second Prize - $1,500
  • 🥉 Third Prize - $1,000

Getting Started

Some examples of possible projects using Router Protocol include:

  • Cross-Chain Governance Proposals & Execution
  • Cross-Chain DeFi Applications
  • Cross-Chain NFTs & Cross-chain NFT mints
  • Cross-chain NFT marketplace

Or come up with your creative dApp or add Router's crosstalk library to your existing DApp!


Shardeum is an EVM-based layer-1 that retains low fees no matter how many transactions there are using dynamic state sharding. Every time a new validator joins the Shardeum network its TPS capacity increases. Shardeum measures its load every 60 seconds and auto adjusts the number of validators to process the current demand. As the only blockchain with autoscaling technology you will never experience rising gas fees on Shardeum. If you want to build a decentralized application with millions of daily active users, build on Shardeum. Building on Shardeum is as easy as any EVM-chain. Website | Docs | Twitter | Discord

Shardeum is an EVM-based layer-1 that retains low fees no matter how many transactions there are using dynamic state sharding. Every time a new validator joins the Shardeum network its TPS capacity increases. Shardeum measures its load every 60 seconds and auto adjusts the number of validators to process the current demand. As the only blockchain with autoscaling technology you will never experience rising gas fees on Shardeum.

If you want to build a decentralized application with millions of daily active users, build on Shardeum. Building on Shardeum is as easy as any EVM-chain.

Website | Docs | Twitter | Discord


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000   

To be eligible for a Shardeum prize you must deploy a smart contract on the Shardeum Devnet. Share your app with us on Twitter by mentioning @LetsBuildWeb3 for a chance to be retweeted by @Shardeum and @NischalShetty.

🤝 $3,000 for best B2C project - Web3 needs B2C apps with use cases that are similar to popular web2 apps but make use of decentralization to offer more convenience or lower costs. Develop an app with popular web2 features and make it decentralized to improve the user experience. Example use cases: decentralized messenger, rideshare, game, marketplace, social media, finance, etc. Build a dApp that can go viral with Shardeum’s autoscaling features.

💸 $1,000 for best DeFi product - One of web3’s most popular use cases today is DeFi. Shardeum is in testnet and needs lending protocols, yield farms, AMM’s, stablecoins, DeFi aggregators, digital wallets, etc prior to mainnet. Build the next top DeFi protocol on Shardeum!

💬 $1,000 for best use of social feature(s) - Users love social features! Build an app with social features such as posts, comments, messages, likes, video streaming, friends, etc. The social feature MUST be decentralized and generate an on-chain transaction when used. Shardeum’s stable low transaction fee makes micro social transactions possible.

Getting Started


One API to build and scale WEB3 applications Starton is a Web3 developer suite that brings resilience, performance and scalability to any blockchain integration. Starton is accessible trough a dashboard and a REST API that allows you to deploy smart contracts, make transactions, monitor events on blockchains and host file in a decentralized way. Starton might be your best friend during this hackathon. Why ? With Starton you can build next gen web3 app in hours.. Here are a few examples from previous Hackathons: - Web3 license manager - Community reward system - Decentralized WeTransfer - Decentralized Journalism platform - Decentralized Trello - Video game assets manager - B2B Payment Protocol - Decentralized fact checking platform-

One API to build and scale WEB3 applications

Starton is a Web3 developer suite that brings resilience, performance and scalability to any blockchain integration. Starton is accessible trough a dashboard and a REST API that allows you to deploy smart contracts, make transactions, monitor events on blockchains and host file in a decentralized way. Starton might be your best friend during this hackathon. Why ? With Starton you can build next gen web3 app in hours.. Here are a few examples from previous Hackathons:

- Web3 license manager - Community reward system - Decentralized WeTransfer - Decentralized Journalism platform - Decentralized Trello - Video game assets manager - B2B Payment Protocol - Decentralized fact checking platform-



🏆 Starton is offering:

  • ❤️ $1,000 — Best project build with Starton API
  • 🛠️ $500 — Best project build with our Monitor feature
  • 🛠️ $500 — Best project build with our Relayer feature
  • 🛠️ $50 — For each use of a Starton feature

Getting Started

Getting started with Starton:


Discord to get help:




Starton Features:

  • Monitor: inspects every block on all supported blockchains to continuously check for activity.


  • Relayer: is a blockchain transaction management solution to create transactions.


  • Storage: (IPFS): is specifically designed to store and access files on IPFS.


  • Library: Deploy smart contract templates for many use cases in 1-click or with the API.

Documentation: contract/understanding-smart-contracts

  • Plugin: Connect your Blockchain application to 5000 apps using Zapier.



CoinDCX is one of India’s largest crypto exchanges. Built with user experience and security in mind, CoinDCX offers its users innovative products and features The projects on the platform are listed only after appropriate due diligence through its 7 M principles - a stringent evaluation framework. CoinDCX serves to strengthen innovation within the Web3 ecosystem through CoinDCX Ventures, enhance crypto education through DCX Learn, and continues to be a leading player in India’s crypto industry, furthering crypto trading experience through safety and compliance on the CoinDCX app.    Recognized and awarded for its contribution to the Indian emerging tech space, CoinDCX is backed by investors such as Pantera, Steadview Capital, Kingsway, Polychain Capital, B Capital Group, Bain Capital Ventures, Cadenza, Draper Dragon, Republic, Kindred, and Coinbase Ventures. CoinDCX is ISO Certified and KYC/AML compliant.   For more information, visit <>

CoinDCX is one of India’s largest crypto exchanges. Built with user experience and security in mind, CoinDCX offers its users innovative products and features The projects on the platform are listed only after appropriate due diligence through its 7 M principles - a stringent evaluation framework. CoinDCX serves to strengthen innovation within the Web3 ecosystem through CoinDCX Ventures, enhance crypto education through DCX Learn, and continues to be a leading player in India’s crypto industry, furthering crypto trading experience through safety and compliance on the CoinDCX app. 


Recognized and awarded for its contribution to the Indian emerging tech space, CoinDCX is backed by investors such as Pantera, Steadview Capital, Kingsway, Polychain Capital, B Capital Group, Bain Capital Ventures, Cadenza, Draper Dragon, Republic, Kindred, and Coinbase Ventures. CoinDCX is ISO Certified and KYC/AML compliant.


For more information, visit


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 CoinDCX will award $5000 in prizes:

  • 🥇 1st Prize - $2500
  • 🥈 2nd Prize - $1500
  • 🥉 3rd Price - $1000

CoinDCX is also pleased to announce that they've chosen to hold just one round of interviews for the ETHIndia hackathon winners as opposed to the usual four!

Getting Started


Revise is a community-driven development framework for NFTs that are more than just JPEGs. Building with Revise is simple with our Typescript Javascript SDK, or you can run it yourself using our Open-Source. Please find out more in our docs, or join our (Revise/ETHIndia Whatsapp group) for ETHIndia builders on Revise. Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours

Revise is a community-driven development framework for NFTs that are more than just JPEGs. Building with Revise is simple with our Typescript Javascript SDK, or you can run it yourself using our Open-Source. Please find out more in our docs, or join our (Revise/ETHIndia Whatsapp group) for ETHIndia builders on Revise.

Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 Revise is offering $5,000 in prizes

For the best NFT or collection of NFTs which are programmed to change based on exciting triggers (API’s, data feeds etc):

  • 🥇 1st prize: $3,000
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd prize: $500

To be eligible for these prizes:

  • Teams should have deployed an NFT using Revise SDK on Mainnet or Testnet.
  • Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract
  • Write a short paragraph noting the prize you are targeting and describing how your NFT solves the problem statement.
  • Tell us what you’re building by tweeting it using #BuiltOnRevise and tagging @ReviseNFT

More prize details here


## Powering your dApp with Huddle01 SDKs Huddle01 is web3 video meetings and infrastructure

Powering your dApp with Huddle01 SDKs

Huddle01 is web3 video meetings and infrastructure


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500   

🏆 Huddle01 is offering $5,000 in prizes

🥇 1st Prize: $2,000

🥈 2nd Prize: $1,500

🥉 3rd Prize: $500

🛠 Best integration of Huddle01 SDK into an existing product/protocol: $1,000

Ideas 💡

  • Building games using huddle01 SDK (Check Buddle)
  • Building social media audio/video spaces
  • Building a web-based video recording or streaming platform
  • Building an app to connect with random people (ex: Omegle)


Huddle01 – Pioneering RTC

We are introducing the next gen of real-time communication. We are going to go over a real scenario of communicatio...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM IST — Saturday, Dec 3, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.

QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.



🥇 $1,000 each to the best 3 projects built using QuickNode NFT API or Token API.


The EY Blockchain team’s mission is to put in place the tools, systems and services that will be needed to help both public and private companies take advantage of blockchain technology with privacy, security and regulatory compliance. As a trusted advisor to the world’s largest enterprises, EY’s ability to test and audit transactions in a blockchain environment is essential to giving businesses the confidence to transition from simply tracking on a blockchain to transacting.  Visit us at

The EY Blockchain team’s mission is to put in place the tools, systems and services that will be needed to help both public and private companies take advantage of blockchain technology with privacy, security and regulatory compliance. As a trusted advisor to the world’s largest enterprises, EY’s ability to test and audit transactions in a blockchain environment is essential to giving businesses the confidence to transition from simply tracking on a blockchain to transacting. 

Visit us at


   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 EY is offering:

🥇 - $1,500

🥈 - $1,000

Submissions will be judged based on the following factors:

  • Code deployment and execution including use of privacy parameters
  • Use case consideration including user interaction with privacy features
  • Contributions/feedback to the existing repository

Getting Started

More to come!


EY 🛠 Intro to Starlight

zApps are zero-knowledge applications. They're like dApps (decentralised applications), but with privacy. zApps are...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM IST — Friday, Dec 2, 2022 in Workshop Room 3