

Scroll is a zkEVM, a zk-rollup layer2 on Ethereum, compatible with Ethereum at the bytecode level. Being built in the open for over a year, Scroll’s mission is to scale Ethereum in the best way possible while preserving its core values. With the launch of the Pre-alpha testnet, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.

Scroll is a zkEVM, a zk-rollup layer2 on Ethereum, compatible with Ethereum at the bytecode level. Being built in the open for over a year, Scroll’s mission is to scale Ethereum in the best way possible while preserving its core values. With the launch of the Pre-alpha testnet, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $2,500   

💡 $2,500 prize for most-innovative

  • Possibilities include new AMMs, new types of lending pools and more! Dream big.
  • Scroll currently is in a whitelisted testnet mode, and as such there are limited integrations
  • The goal is to push developers to think of innovative applications that can be done without any other integrations on chain! Think creatively and from first principles :)

🚀 $2,500 prize for best zk-dapp

  • Scroll uses a proving system called Halo but it is one among several proving systems that can be used
  • zk-dapps are applications that use zk in some key way to enable functionalities that would not be possible otherwise, with smart contracts that live on the blockchain

We are giving a 2.5k for the team with the best application of zk while having the smart contracts related to the application deployed on Scroll.

→ For inspiration, some examples of zk-applications are:,,

Getting Started

Whitelisting instructions for participants:

Go through the documentation here for deployment instructions:


Scroll 🛠 An Introduction to Scroll: Deployin...

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

10:00 PM UTC-05 — Friday, Oct 7, 2022 in Workshop Room 4