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Optimism is a low-cost, lightning-fast Ethereum-equivalent L2 blockchain. Working to scale Ethereum’s technology and values, OP Labs is on a mission to build the most secure, stable, and decentralized blockchain, and the Optimism Foundation is seeding and growing an ecosystem that drives global adoption of the Optimism protocol.

Optimism is a low-cost, lightning-fast Ethereum-equivalent L2 blockchain. Working to scale Ethereum’s technology and values, OP Labs is on a mission to build the most secure, stable, and decentralized blockchain, and the Optimism Foundation is seeding and growing an ecosystem that drives global adoption of the Optimism protocol.


   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟹       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟹       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $250 ×𝟷𝟶   

🏊 Pool Prize

Top 10 projects (that don’t win another OP prize!) to deploy on Optimism (mainnet, Goerli testnet or Bedrock testnet) get $250 for the team.

🏆 Specific Prizes

🏗🛠 Developer Infrastructure/tooling: 3 teams win $ 2,500 per team

  • This prize is for developer tooling and infrastructure. You could win if your project makes it easier to build on Optimism, makes development more approachable or generally improves the development process!

🎮🌠 Optimism Games & NFT Infrastructure: 2 teams win $ 2,500 per team

  • From NFT card games to open-world explorations, we want it all! If your project is a game or makes the NFT world better then you qualify for this prize!

🧑‍⚖️👯‍♀️ govTech & Community Infrastructure: 3 teams win $ 2,500 per team

  • This category is super broad but we are looking for things that make managing a web3 community easier, or make governance more accessible. If you are not sure if your project would count, message us! This category also includes retroPGF-style projects!

Getting Started

Optimism Documentation

Need help?

If you are unsure about anything or need help, make sure to join our discord. We have NERDs waiting to help, as well as tons of opportunities for your project to grow and develop after the hackathon!

Click >> here << for more info and a list of ideas!


Optimism 🛠 Why Optimism is Home

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM UTC-05 — Friday, Oct 7, 2022 in Workshop Room 4