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Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.

Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🥇Top prize - $4,000 'Best use of Hyperlane' messaging API

  • To win this prize you simply need to build an application that utilizes the messaging API to establish interchain connectivity. You could be passing messages or assets. You could be making cross-chain view calls or oraclize data between blockchains. There is really no end to what you could build, but given that time is of the essence you don’t want to expand scope too much.
  • A great way to shoot for the top prize is to attempt to make an interchain version of a popular app, i.e. an interchain Compound or Sudoswap.

💸 Best use of Hyperlane - $2,000 - DeFi related

  • As noted above there are many ways you can win our prizes, but here are some DeFi related ideas:
  • You could use our Interchain Accounts API to create an app that allows for interchain swaps without having to deploy any contracts on remote chains.
  • You could create an interchain Stableswap, accepting deposits of assets on multiple chains and creating unified liquidity pools.
  • You could create a contract that allows you to control multiple SAFEs or DAOs on remote chains. Using Interchain Accounts you could do this without having to deploy any additional logic on the receiving chains.
  • You could create interchain payment streaming contracts, collecting deposits on a number of chains and directing assets to their destinations.

🌠 Best use of Hyperlane - $2,000 - NFT related

  • You could create an interchain minting contract that acts as a load balancer between chains, i.e collecting orders on several chains (with lower fees or higher throughput) and executing the mint on a different chain.
  • You could create an interchain nft collection where the NFTs have different properties based on the chain they’re currently on.

🏗 Best use of Hyperlane - $2,000 - Infrastructure

  • With respect to infrastructure, here’s a chance to build infrastructure either for Hyperlane or build infrastructure for other protocols that uses Hyperlane.
  • For example, a previous Hyperlane prize winner built infrastructure that supports Hyperlane relayers


Hyperlane 🛠 Interchain Accounts with Hyperla...

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

10:00 PM UTC-05 — Friday, Oct 7, 2022 in Workshop Room 2