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Avail is a robust base layer with a laser focus on data availability. It is built to meet the needs of next-generation, trust-minimized applications and sovereign rollups. With Avail's unparalleled data availability interface and powerful security capabilities, developers can create zero-knowledge or fraud-proof-based blockchain applications with greater efficiency and ease.


πŸ’° Build with Avail βΈΊ $3,000
Split with up to 3 teams (capped at $1,000 per team)
Build your project utilizing Avail as the Data Availability Layer. Build any use case you deem is required for the rollup-centric future! Appchains, Sovereign Rollups, Optimistic Rollups, ZK Rollups, whatever the use case may be, incorporate Avail's robust and efficient data availability layer into your project in a meaningful way. 150 Clash of Nodes Testnet points will be awarded split evenly among all pool prize winners. Build your project using Dymension, Madara/Karnot, OP Stack, Sovereign SDK, Polygon CDK or anything that supports Avail, and make it count. Integrate with Avail and enhance Avail's existing ecosystem. Think outside the box and make your mark in the rollup-centric future. Project ideas include (not limited to): - Build a useful custom Rollapp using Dymension with Avail DA - Build an application-specific chain using Karnot/Madara and use Avail DA. - Create a novel construct of a Validium powered by Avail DA. - A working example with Sovereign SDK (preferably with a meaningful use case). - Sovereign rollup construction using Polygon CDK. (Instead of the validium route) - Encrypted/Private data DA adapters for private Validiums - Rollups with trustless rollup light clients (light clients that can verify commitment proofs in addition to DA) - Build/Integrate a wallet that connects to Avail and has embedded support for Avail's features.

Qualification Requirements

Only Eligible projects will qualify for the prizes: - Integrating Avail for data availability or using the Avail network in a meaningful way (with utility) is mandatory - All applications for the pool prize needs to defend their use of DA. - Needs to be a new project. Any pre-existing project MUST mention what has been done beforehand and explicitly state what was accomplished during the hackathon. - The project can tackle any use case and must have some reasonable utility behind it. - Needs to be integrated with Avail's Goldberg Testnet. - Projects built using Dymension (Rollapps) or Madara/Karnot (Appchains) can be eligible for Clash of Nodes points in addition to hackathon prizes.

⚑ Best use case with Avail Light Client embedded ⸺ $2,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,000
The Avail light client plays a vital role in ensuring the availability and correctness of data within the Avail network. Avail light client (LC) lets you interact with Avail blockchain without requiring a full node and without trust assumptions towards remote peers. This is accomplished by Data Availability Sampling (DAS) by the LC enabled by the use of KZG commitments in Avail's block headers. The light client is capable of downloading and verifying application-specific data submitted to Avail, which can be queried using the light client API. The light client exposes an HTTP API that enables users to query the status, confidence, and application data for each processed block. Utilize and embed Avail's Light client in your project. Build any use case you deem is required for the rollup-centric future! Project ideas include (not limited to): - Build/Integrate a non-substrate wallet that connects to Avail and has embedded support for Avail's Light Client features. - Fetch data from your rollup/appchain with your embedded Light Client and do some magic with it ✨ - Visualize rollup data (or a rollup explorer) powered by the Light Client. - Use the power of the Light Client's data availability sampling properties and the LC p2p (DHT) network.

Qualification Requirements

Only Eligible projects will qualify for the prizes: - Embedding the Avail Light Client in your use case in a meaningful way (with utility) is mandatory - Needs to be a new project. Any pre-existing project MUST mention what has been done beforehand and explicitly state what was accomplished during the hackathon. - The project can tackle any use case and must have some reasonable utility behind it. - Needs to be integrated with Avail's Goldberg Testnet.


Avail 101

A concise starter to everything Avail.

This workshop is happening live

03:30 PM EST β€” Thursday, Feb 1, 2024