1. SDK: Using Web3Auth Core Kit SFA Web SDK within your application 2. Custom Authentication: Deploying a Custom Verifier on the Web3Auth Dashboard and using that to login within the application 3. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. SDK: Using Web3Auth Plug and Play Web Modal or No Modal SDK within your application 2. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. SDKs: Use any of the Web3Auth Mobile or Gaming SDKs, namely: a. Web3Auth PnP Android/ iOS/ React Native/ Flutter/ Unity/ Unreal SDKs b. Web3Auth SFA Android/ iOS/ React Native/ Flutter 2. Demo: Use Web3Auth generated wallet as your main method of wallet connection, and be able to share a link to your deployed project with a working demo with Web3Auth.
1. Must participate in at least one of the above Web3Auth prize categories. 2. Demonstrate exceptional innovation, user experience, and integration quality.
1. Implement the beta version of Web3Auth Global Account SDK. 2. Demonstrate comprehensive integration and feature utilization within the application.