ETHGlobal Brussels




Nouns is a community-owned brand that makes a positive impact by funding ideas and fostering collaboration. From collectors and technologists to non-profits and brands, Nouns is for everyone. In the Nouniverse, there's a popular adjective to describe things with a Nouns vibe. This includes doing good, creating positive externalities, embracing absurdity and difference, teaching people about Nouns and crypto, and having fun. In other words, anything that helps to spread Nouns and crypto adoption.


🟡 Build with $nouns$5,000
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
We invite developers, designers, product folks, and everyone else to team up for a weekend of building, creating, experimenting, and innovating using $nouns—the Nouns fungible token backed by Noun NFTs. Hackers are encouraged to submit any project they believe will expand the use, distribution, and adoption of $nouns. Make sure always to keep the Nounish vibe (use Nouns art as a Design System)! - What is $nouns? - $nouns is an ERC-20 token that represents fractional Noun ownership. Any Noun can be deposited for 1,000,000 $nouns, and conversely, 1,000,000 $nouns can be redeemed to acquire any Noun held by the $nouns contract. - Simply put, 1 Noun = 1,000,000 $nouns. - Some ideas to build around $nouns - - Adding governance to $nouns - Fixing the liquidity issue - Better bridging (avoiding 7 day challenge window coming back to Mainnet) - Deeper data analytics - Integrating to videogames apps - Integrating to SocialFi apps - Arbitrage bot to balance liquidity pools - Check the documentation below to get started

Qualification Requirements

- Build something around $nouns that benefit its use, distribution, and adoption - Keep it nounish –e.g., fun, exciting, curious, outside of the box - Include Nouns art always, at the front and center