ETHGlobal Brussels

Chronicle Protocol



Chronicle Protocol is a novel Oracle solution that has exclusively secured over $10B in assets for MakerDAO and its ecosystem since 2017. With a history of innovation, including the invention of the first Oracle on Ethereum, Chronicle Protocol continues to redefine Oracles. A blockchain-agnostic protocol, Chronicle overcomes the current limitations of transferring data on-chain by developing the first truly scalable, cost-efficient, decentralized, and verifiable Oracles, rewriting the rulebook on data transparency and accessibility.


🛠️ DeFi Track$4,700
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Integrate Chronicle Oracles into one of the following DeFi applications: Borrowing & Lending dApps, Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), Liquidity Mining, Prediction Markets, or Stablecoins. The prize will go to the top three teams with the best DeFi integration of Chronicle's Scribe cost-efficient Oracles.

Qualification Requirements

- Each project must use Chronicle Oracles in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible. This means that a frontend simply reading from Chronicle Oracles doesn't count. - Your project should integrate Chronicle Oracles for a DeFi use case. - Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README. You can deploy your contracts on any of the following chains: Ethereum Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Polygon zkEVM Sepolia, Gnosis Chain Mainnet, Scroll Sepolia, zkSync Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Mantle Sepolia. Assets to submit: 🏁 Make sure to include the following in your project submission: - A public demo URL to your deployed project that judges can test. - A short video that demonstrates your submission (approximately 2-3 minutes). - A public GitHub repository with the code. - Complete the 2-min Builder Feedback Form:

💡 Innovation Track$4,700
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Most Innovative Chronicle Oracle Integration The prize will go to the top three teams with the most innovative integration of Scribe, Chronicle's cost-efficient Oracles. The innovation should stem from the use case of the Oracle, i.e., the idea or utility of the project.

Qualification Requirements

Each project must use Chronicle Oracles in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible. This means that a front end simply reading from Chronicle Oracles doesn't count. - Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README. You can deploy your contracts on any of the following chains: Ethereum Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Polygon zkEVM Sepolia, Gnosis Chain Mainnet, Scroll Sepolia, zkSync Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Mantle Sepolia. Assets to submit: 🏁 Make sure to include the following in your project submission: - A public demo URL to your deployed project that judges can test. - A short video that demonstrates your submission (approximately 2-3 minutes). - A public GitHub repository with the code. - Complete the 2-min Builder Feedback Form:

📚 Education Track$600
1st place
2nd place
This prize is for the best technical tutorial for developers on integrating Chronicle's Scribe Oracles (

Qualification Requirements

- The submitted material should be your own. Material originating from other sources or generated with AI does not qualify. - Include the working example associated with the tutorial. - The tutorial must present a novel approach or solution that is not already available in existing documentation or tutorials.


🛠️ Chronicle Workshop

Learn how to integrate the future of Oracle data feeds for crypto asset prices, yield rates, and RWAs from the team...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM CEST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3