
Nillion is building humanity's first blind computer. Blind computation is a process where data is computed without revealing the actual data to the nodes performing the computation.


🌐 Nillion Storage and Retrieval Prize ⸺ $5,000
Up to 3 teams will receive $1,666
Securely storing and retrieving secret data is crucial in almost any app. This prize is for apps that integrate Nillion’s encrypted secret storage, utilizing our new Store Secret API and Retrieve Secret API to securely manage sensitive data. Build something and highlight how you've built on Nillion to protect user and/or app secrets. Awesome use cases for Nillion storage - Use Nillion Storage for Base AI Agents and AgentKit: add custom functionality to let your AI Agent store and retrieve secret data on Nillion - you can copy / paste our Python storage examples from our Nillion Storage APIs docs - Telegram Mini Apps or Telegram Bots (check out our Telegram Tea Bot example that uses Nillion Storage APIs) - Apps that need private attestations (Sign Protocol) - Data / photo / location / password / API key sharing or secret keeping apps

Qualification Requirements

- Your app must call Nillion's Store Secret API and/or Retrieve Secret API - we'll check your code for this. - In your app description (EthGlobal showcase page) explain how you've built on Nillion to protect user and/or app secrets.

πŸ„πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Best Blind App Built with Create-Nillion-App βΈΊ $5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Start building your blind app FAST with our Create-Nillion-App tool. Follow our quickstart to run 1 easy command that bootstraps a Next.js project. Inside of this project you'll have everything you need to use Nillion secret storage, Nillion secret retrieval, and Nada blind computation via our React Hooks and Nillion TypeScript (nillion-ts) client. What's a blind app? A blind app runs blind computation on Nillion using one or more privacy-preserving Nada programs. These programs compute on secret integers without ever seeing the underlying input values, making them ideal for operations involving sensitive data.

Qualification Requirements

- Your blind app is built with our new create-nillion-app CLI tool, which creates a new Nillion Next.js app - You wrote at least 1 Nada program and stored it on the Nillion Testnet - Your app uses Nillion for secret storage and blind computation


πŸ™ˆ Nillion Blind App Speedrun

Build a Blind App on Nillion FAST. Learn how to store secrets, retrieve secrets, and run blind computation on Nilli...

This workshop is happening in-person

02:40 PM UTC+7 β€” Friday, Nov 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 4