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Lit Protocol



Lit Protocol is a distributed secret management and blind compute network for building agents, apps, and protocols that are composability across any system and capable of computing over sensitive data.


🏆 Best Use of Lit Protocol$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
The Lit prize will go to the team that has the most clever and sophisticated implementation of Lit Protocol. To win this prize, consider using Lit Actions to build agents or protocols that compute over private data and broadcast txns.

Qualification Requirements

-Creativity: What makes your project useful, clever, fun, or novel? -Integration: How well does your project interconnect with other systems (web2, blockchains, storage)? -Technical Implementation: Depth and complexity of your project's implementation using Lit Actions. Note: Visual design, user interface aesthetics, and overall appearance will NOT be considered in the evaluation for this prize.