
Humanity's first blind computer. Nillion is a secure computation network that decentralizes trust for high value data in the same way that blockchains decentralized transactions.


🙈 Best Use of Nillion SecretVault for AI Agents$4,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $1,000
Need your agents to manage private data? Nillion's SecretVault is a secure data store perfect for single agents or coordinating swarms. Protect sensitive information like agent memory, shared knowledge, and user interactions while keeping public data accessible. Drop in our JavaScript wrapper package or make direct API calls to read and write data to SecretVault - it's that simple.

Qualification Requirements

- Use Nillion SecretVault - We'll check that your AI Agent or swarm of agents is reading or writing to at least one SecretVault collection with at least 1 encrypted record field.

🃏 Nillion x Agent Framework Integration Wildcard Prize$1,000
Build a developer tool or framework integration that makes it easier to add Nillion to AI Agent projects. Connect Nillion with Base's Agent Kit, Eliza, or any other agent frameworks.

Qualification Requirements

- Explain how your tool helps developers integrate Nillion into their agent projects - README must include step-by-step setup instructions and code examples - The tool or integration is plug-and-play with minimal configuration needed by other devs - The tool is open source and ready for other developers to build with