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Zero Knowledge Payment Gateway for a Privacy Focused Future


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of

🥇 zkBob — Best Use

🏊 Valist — Prize Pool

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

🏊 StackOS — Pool Prize

Project Description

As more and more payments become digital, a key question upon us as Web3 Builders is how to preserve the privacy of the users. Without enough privacy, payments systems risk becoming surveillance systems for Big Tech & Agencies. In turn these can be extended into control systems where third parties have the information to decide and control who has access to public and private services, based on whatever criteria they choose. It sounds like an Orwellian dystopia, but the risk is very real - it is well within today’s technology capabilities to monitor everyone’s payments, purchases, subscriptions, donations, income and gifts, together with their location, travel patterns, online searches, email, phone, photos, gaming, reading, political, religious, medical, social media and face-to-face interactions. If it can be done, it will happen unless enough controls are put in place to prevent it.

How it's Made

we used the zk bob cloud api to build our own vender sdk around it , and we developed a api system that is specific to each vendor and getting that up this quickly ws quiet chalanging and integrating it with various hosting platforms was a challanging and a time consuming experience but at the same time was a great learing experience and working on so many different technoloiges and handling multiple front ends and back ends was also challanging. we handled multiple api for both nft dist and handling zk payments and multiple ui and website for both zk pay dashboard and example merchant sites

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