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A USD - pegged stablecoin on Scroll with ZK proofs of identity using Sismo, payments through Stripe. Our goal is to privacy-focused stablecoin on Scroll that uses ZK-proof from Proof of Identity using Sismo.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Introducing zkCoin, a groundbreaking USD-stablecoin project that integrates cutting-edge features for robust governance, user onramping with zk proofs of identity using SIsmo, and seamless payments via Stripe integration. Our stablecoin encompasses minting, burning, whitelisting, blacklisting, and admin controls to ensure a secure and stable financial ecosystem.

In our vision for the future, we aim to implement multiple layers of authentication, paving the way for a gated stablecoin exclusively accessible to users who meet specific criteria, such as a minimum number of GitHub commits or certain assets in their Ethereum wallets.

Scroll contract:

How it's Made

Our React frontend represents the user interface of our project, seamlessly integrating with Sismo for authentication, Stripe for payment processing, and Smart Contracts deployed on Scroll. Sismo, as our authentication system, ensures robust security, offering a reliable way to verify user identities. Stripe, a globally recognized payment platform, facilitates hassle-free and secure transactions, enhancing the usability of our application. Lastly, our Smart Contracts deployed on Scroll bring transparency and trust to the ecosystem, underpinning the stability of our platform and transactions.

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