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zk proof of evm execution

Using zkevm circuits, this allows to prove knowledge of calldata that solves some challange on Ethereum blockchain.

zk proof of evm execution

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

๐Ÿ“œ Scroll โ€” Just Deploy!

๐Ÿงพ Scroll โ€” Best AppliedZK Hack

Project Description

Uses zkevm circuits used by zkRollups (developed by PSE, Scroll and other contributors) along with Foundry's Anvil mainnet fork to prove a private block.

Potential usecases:

  • Decentralized CTFs.
  • WhiteHat hacker can prove team that they know exploit in onchain protocol.

TODO add more info

How it's Made

Entire project is written in Rust.

I have used:

  • zkevm-circuits
  • foundry's Anvil for mainnet fork
  • ethers-rs

Challenges I faced:

  • zkevm circuits aim to prove that the new state root is correct, and I was planning to use merkle patricia trie proof further. But I discovered that anvil does not calculate state root for mainnet fork. So I had to write all the code to calculate state root on mainnet fork in Rust.
  • Then later I got to know that zkevm circuits currently the MPT circuit is work in progress and cannot complete before hackathon, so I forked the zkevm circuits repo and added a constraint to expose a particular storage slot in public inputs.
  • I also tried to integrate scroll chain but there was a different state trie structure and I did not have enough time in the hackathon to fix the issues I was facing, so currenty this is only working for normal etheruem state trie chains like L1, and testnets.
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