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Yotaku is the world's first trustless escrow built on Ethereum. Yotaku is maximally configurable and asset-agnostic, allowing for powerful exchange of value.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🥇 UMA — Best Use

Project Description

Yotaku is solving a big problem. Currently, for two individuals to trade assets not supported by decentralized marketplaces, they need to whip up their own smart contract to maintain escrow of the assets they are looking to exchange. This is a massive barrier to entry to anyone looking to exchange value on chain, and Yotaku solves this by providing a suite of highly configurable smart contracts that maintain escrow of assets while being asset agnostic at the same time. This means that users can trade NFTs for LP tokens, liquid stakes for ERC-20s, and much more, without writing a single line of code or paying gas on deployment.

Yotaku escrows take a wide variety of parameters outlining which assets are intended to be deposited and by which parties, as well as third parties that receive commissions on trades. Yotaku also features event-driven escrow closures, and conditional closures, meaning that a Yotaku escrow can function as a bet, or a conditional disbursal.

Lastly, Yotaku escrows permit for asset agnosticism (across standards) by storing a wide array of cross-protocol calldata within our smart contracts. In the future, the transfer methods that Yotaku is able to operate with will be determined by the Yotaku DAO. The primary role of this DAO will be to vote on which protocol integrations are legitimate and safe for scaling compatibility.

How it's Made

Yotaku smart contracts are upgradeable, and are built with gas efficiency in mind. We put a lot of attention into making sure that our smart contracts can be readily integrated into the UIs of other protocols, and have already started work on developer documentation for how Yotaku escrow parameters can be best integrated into the UI. We also implemented sponsor technology as follows:

Yotaku makes use of ENS to ensure that money is always sent to the right person. ENS also allows Yotaku trade contracts to be more readable, further improving the user experience. Lastly, a Yotaku contract can have a stipulation that requires the ENS address of a user in conjunction with their wallet address a secondary layer of precaution.

Yotaku makes use of Push protocol as our core messaging service. Push protocol allows Yotaku to message a potential fulfiller of a trade agreement when a trade agreement has been created involving them. Push also helps Yotaku message both the proposer and the fulfiller when a trade agreement successfully executes. Lastly, Push notifies asset depositors when their assets have been received by the escrow, providing them some peace of mind and bettering the user experience.

Yotaku also is integrated with UMA, which allows us to create event-driven escrows. With UMA, users are able to write custom conditions for when their escrow should expire, allowing for Yotaku users to create bets, conditional escrows, and much more. UMA is a game changer for Yotaku as it provides users ultimate customizability.

Lastly, Yotaku has created a suite of innovations for the ApeCoin community, as the technology could be immensely valuable in creating ApeCoin Trade, a platform that allows for direct trading of ApeCoin, Otherworld, and BAYC assets while allowing community members to access the hyper-configurability of Yotaku. This will be a very strong value add to the community.

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