Cryptocurrency holders can earn interest and pay for subscriptions by staking their tokens on a SAAS platform that accepts cryptocurrency payments.
Yieldify is a subscription service that enables users to stake their tokens in exchange for access to a service. When tokens are staked, they are placed into a secure pool where they earn interest. This interest is then used to pay the subscription fees to the service provider. The staked tokens are returned to the user once the subscription period ends. Additionally, Yieldify uses push notifications via the push protocol to keep users informed about their subscriptions. The service has been deployed on scroll for optimal user experience.
We used React.js for front-end development and Solidity to write smart contracts. Scroll, Ethereum, and Polygon are the blockchains of implementation using Compound DAO and Aave protocols. Push protocol is integrated to keep users informed about their subscriptions. We have also used Remix IDE & Hardhat.