Global opinion polling verified by World Coin (or a selfie video if you are not onboarded yet)
Solving the issue related with traditional science. DeSci. DeSocSci. Dencetralised Social Science.
And since we have data collection platform, we may as well do it for voting. Customer preferences. Product research.
Issues observed with traditional science, main entry point for this hack.
Reliance on Traditional Funding: Government and university funding can be unpredictable and often insufficient. Publication Bias: Preference for positive results skews scientific understanding. Replicability Crisis: Many studies are non-reproducible, undermining scientific trust. Lack of Open Access: Research hidden behind paywalls limits knowledge accessibility. Slow Dissemination of Research: Traditional processes delay sharing of findings. Conflict of Interest: Vested interests in funding sources can threaten scientific objectivity. Pressure for Novelty: Overemphasis on novelty discourages replication. Research Misconduct: Rare cases of falsification harm scientific credibility.
Default starting hackthon template provided by WorldCoin. List of questions pulled from JSON file. Saving data to Firebase. Authentication with WorldID or selfie video - ensuring honesty. Charting library to present data in a nice way.
TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC... TBC...