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Demonstrate WorldID as a hardware authenticator (yubikey, touchID, windows hello) replacement


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏆 Worldcoin — Honorable Mentions

Project Description

Passkeys are a password replacement that provide faster, easier, and more secure sign-ins to websites and apps across a user's devices. They are resistant to phishing, always strong, and designed so that there are no shared secrets. Passkeys simplify account registration for apps and websites, are easy to use, work across all of a user's devices, and even other devices within physical proximity.

Unfortunately, passkeys require a physical, hardware-based authenticator. These are expensive and not accessible to the greater population. Fortunately, WorldID is, and can stand in-place of a hardware authenticator.

How it's Made

This project uses WorldID, their IDKit SDK, their mobile application, and simulator. Worldcoin sits atop the Polygon blockchain.

NextJS, Tailwind CSS are used as supporting web technologies.

The demo is an auth "flow" application, showing how WorldID can be used in place of a hardware authenticator. The browser issues a passkey credential challenge, but shows how WorldID could respond to that challenge and provide the browser with a challenge response. This can then be used on a web server's backend as a credential.

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