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Workies is a HR payroll provider that pays staff by the second and facilitates employers to loan money to their employees. This can enable upward mobility and is a first step to a universal credit system.


Created At


Winner of

🌠 Superfluid — Best Use of Superfluid and NFTs

Project Description

Workies is a HR payroll system that allows employers to stream payroll to their employees so they can be paid by the second. Workies also enables lending and has the building blocks to establish a global credit system. Workies is deployed on the polygon network which allows for fast, inexpensive transactions, scaling securely atop the Ethereum network as a layer two.

To start the HR manager would launch the company deployer. From there they can connect to metatmask or WalletConnect. On this screen they would input the company name and token name. After submission a smart contract factory will create a soul bound smart NFT contract for the company where HR will be able to assign individual soul bound NFTs to each employee that they register

The next screen will allow one to register an employee. First HR enters the new hires polygon address, the salary and hits the register button which automatically uploads this metadata into IPFS and starts a Superfluid stream to start paying instantly by the second. At the same time a soulbound NFT will be sent to the employees wallet where we can store employee data directly on a chain using text records similar to those used by the ENS name services. This data helps us keep the employee records immutable.

For loans an employee can request a loan from the employer. They just have to submit the amount that they are requesting and the time period for the loan. This will automatically create a loan smart contract using the loan factory smart contract provided by superfluid. Once approved by HR the amount approved will be sent to the employees wallet and a payment stream will be created to pay back the loan. The same technology can be activated to allow other lenders to interact with this contract and lend funds in the same manner. These loan contracts send the updated credit score which is stored in the employees NFTs text records. The credit score is calculated using a method defined in a separate modular smart contract. This means this data can be the building block of a universal credit score created by another unrelated entity. And the benefits of Workies does not stop here. This system has the capabilities to provide password management functionality and access control through the employer's NFT. This works by using text records of encrypted secrets inside each employee's NFT which can be decrypted using the private key. This entire system is modular and the sky is the limit.

How it's Made

Our architecture is fairly complex and modulare built using the factory design pattern. Which allows us to create individual smart contract registries, using soulbound NFT's and Superfluid streams to create flexible and extensible HR payment system with the foundation set for a credit system where someone can take the baton and build upon this to hopefully create a universal credit system. We are leveraging polygons speed and security to host this protocol. We are leveraging wallet connects ease of use, IPFS decentralized search capabilities. We used react framework to build the web application.

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