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Wisdom is a versatile Anti-plagiarism system leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to ensure the validity of the requested information, and that reward the most accurate contributors via an app reputation system


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ The Graph β€” Pool Prize

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Worldcoin β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Let me tell you a very short story about an french scientific experiment:

A huge transparent jar filled with thousands of noodles was put on a stand. The examinator asked to participant: "How many noodles are in the jar ?" At first, answers were all over the place, but they soon realized that as they gathered more answers from the crowd, the average answer was getting closer and closer to the exact number of noodles in the Jar, up to the almost exact amount.

The "Wisdom of the Crowd" is the name given to this effect, that states that if you were to ask any question to a crowd, its average answer would be correct and precise, given that the crowd is large enough

And the more crowded it is, the better the answer.

As shown in many studies over the years, the "Wisdom of the Crowd" is a powerful and quite a precise knwoledge provider, not easily tricked or deceived.

Our solution, Wisdom, leverage this effet and can be used in many ways, and has numerous applications.

Wisdom takes the form of an SDK that can be used by any application to gather users's answers to questions. A question can be linked to an asset via some metadata.

All those data are stored on-chain and publicly accessible to attest their authenticity.

The SDK also offers an API to fetch and use in a fast and user-friendly way the aggregated and processed data produced by the crowd, as well as statistics.

Finally, Wisdom creates a application reputation for each user of the crowd via an innovent and strong algorithm, based on their performance within the crowd This system is resistant to mass attacks from comunities in the long run

This reputation can be fetched via the SDK and used to perform reward or regulation systems

A key feature is the use of WorldCoin and their Proof of Humanity to ensure that only a real human being can answer the question, and only once per question.

We also use The Graph to aggregate data from the blockchain, for a fast and easy data access and manipulation

An obvious use case of this technology is an anti-plagiarism system. For instance, a music application could ask their users to enter song's original artist. The artist's ID would be the question's answer, and it would be linked to the song ID via our <assetID> metadata.

And from there, let the Wisdom of the Crowd do its magic.

How it's Made

We use the blockchain as a Database, users can publish a record of an author's credit and we make statistical data with this.

There is a lot of data and we need a bit a processing to calculate the reputation of every users. we send event trough our smart contract and we aggregate data with TheGraph, thanks to this, we make a query to fetch all the record of users, but also all the record done to an asset, this way, we can process the reputation of the user dans authenticity of the asset.

The way it works is particular, when you publish a record, you gain no reputation, you only get reputation when someone after you publish a record that is the same as you, otherwise you lose reputation. This way, we are protected from massive group attack to false the data, cause we believe that in the long run, the true author would come back. By doing this, we also prevent people to record a data that only to follow the massive opinion because only the future records are important.

We also implemented an interface for account abstraction,

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