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A fully decentralized live streaming and creator platform built using Livepeer.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of

🥇 Livepeer — Best Use

Project Description

Inspiration: Streamers pay ~40% to Youtube for superchats and rely on centralized transcoding and distribution by these platforms. However, Streamers have no control over the transcoding quality or transcoding bitrate, so the quality of their streams is out of their hands.

The main problem with centralized platforms like Youtube, Twitch, etc. is that the content is not owned by the creators, rather it is owned by the company and also they take a huge chunk of revenue as commission. They also can block or suspend your channel or content as they please or from external pressure from the government.

Also, they are subject to strict rules and regulations about what content they can stream. For example, Youtube's new rule requires 'education, scientific research, news reporting, criticism, or commentary as the 'primary purpose of streaming. Streamers could get banned for their content, and will not get paid for their content.

What it does: The above problems motivate to build the platform “SuperStream Eth” a fully decentralized live streaming(Livepeer) and creator platform on polygon where users can watch/create live streams, send/receive tips, subscribe to their favourite creators, etc.

Unlike centralized platforms, media content in a P2P network is transmitted directly from content creators to the audience without intermediaries, and the Superstream platform can help achieve this goal using livepeer.

Features: -All users get a profile nft associated with their Superstream Account. -Can mint and publish recorded live streams as nft. -All data is stored in ipfs or blockchain. -Send or receive tips directly into your wallet in MATIC. -Innovative Subscription plan, only pay for every second that you are subscribed ( using superfluid protocol ). -Live Chat and Comments. -Leverages Livepeer transcoding and cdn services for streaming and recording stream.

How it's Made

Challenges I ran into: I faced many challenges throughout the development of the project such as: -Thinking about architecture and schema for storing various data like users, streams etc. -I am new to blockchain so I faced many errors and bugs during smart contract development and had a hard time integrating with the front end. -I had to make a lot of trial and error which took the majority of my time. -On the front end side, I had problems like listening to events, filters and updating the UI which I could not solve due to time constraints.

Accomplishments that I am proud of & things I learned: Overall this was a huge learning experience for me I learnt a lot of things about blockchain development flow, how to approach big projects and solve complex problems like user systems and subscriptions.

How I built it: The web app is built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js. Livepeer and the web3.js library. The web app interacts with a solid smart contract deployed to testnet, ipfs for storage (all the profile pictures, images and videos) and uses Chainlink for live price exchange rate between MATIC and USDT when sending Tips.

Sponsor Technology: Livepeer is a decentralized video streaming and transcoding platform that allows for the efficient and cost-effective distribution of live and on-demand video content. By leveraging Livepeer's services, "SuperStream Eth" is able to provide a high-quality streaming experience for creators and viewers.

Livepeer's decentralized network of transcoding nodes allows for the efficient transcoding of video streams into various resolutions and bitrates, ensuring that viewers can access the content in the best possible quality. This allows creators to have more control over the quality of their streams and ensures that viewers have a positive experience.

In addition, Livepeer's decentralized content delivery network (CDN) allows for efficient and cost-effective distribution of video streams to viewers. This helps to reduce latency and buffering, ensuring that viewers can access the content in real-time. Overall, Livepeer's services are essential for the smooth operation of "SuperStream Eth", as it ensures high-quality streaming and recording of stream.

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