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NFT content that you actually create, own and earn. Built with ❤️ by Videfi


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🥈 ApeCoin — Best Contribution

Project Description

Project name: Videfi Slogan: The content that you actually own

Motivation: Web2.0 content platforms are scoped in each platform. The content creators do not completely own the content because they cannot use them elsewhere in other platforms. If they want to use the same content, they need to post a new one yet all statistics are separated. More importantly, service providers charge a huge amount of advertisement revenue from creator. On the web3.0 side, content creators completely own the content. The contents are indenpendent with platforms. They can utilize it on any platforms that accept the content. If the creators are not happy with a platform, they can just opt out from that platform and move their existing contents to other platforms. Advertisers also benefit from web3.0 content platform. They have more flexibility to select where to display ad and how much advertisement cost to pay. It opens a free market for content and advertisement. DAO is another powerful feature allows by web3.0 content platform. Creators can be in a form of DAO, where people around the world contribute contents to their community and share each other benefit using automated accounting system enabled by smart contracts. It also opens a room for content funding, where investors can invest in a governance token and let creators on that DAO create some contents. After that, the benefits are share among investors when project generates some revenue.


  1. Decentralized content creation
  2. Token-gated content
  3. Decentralized advertisement
  4. Content DAO
  5. Content market place

Decentralized content creation - content creators store video and content on IPFS and Filecoin decentralized file network. The contents are represented in the form of NFTs. This means creators are the one who own that content. Videfi allows people to mint copies of contents if the creators allow them. The creators get some revenue when people mint their content NFT. This mechanism works similarly as copyright. People who mint content NFT have their right to use the content. They can monitize upon that content.

Token-gated content - a content can be a free or an exclusive content. Thanks to, we can check some permissions of a viewer when they retrieve content data. We provide an ability to content creators to create their own membership cards. A membership card is an NFT that can be expired. When people want to watch some exclusive content, they need to hold a membership card that gives them a right to watch that content. The NFT content owners have the full right to adjust the condition to watch a video. Minting a membership card works similary as subscription. The advantage of blockchain is that, people can trade upon the membership card, which sometime has limited amounts.

Decentralized advertisement - Advertisers can store their advertisement on the platform just like the content creators do. When they want to get more exposure, they can request to attach their advertisement on a famous content. Advertisers have the ability to directly offer to a specific content creators who are potentially able to boost up their exposure. The advertisers offer some payment. The payment can be on pay per view basis or one time payment with unlimited views. Smart contracts automate the payment process for both parties. On the payment, advertisers can select to distribute some portion to viewers to incentivize them to view more contents. While viewers can opt out advertisement, they can opt in some advertisement to get some airdrop tokens.

Content DAO - From the previous three revenue sources, namely, content right selling, membership subscription, and advertisement revenue, creators can select wether to accept payment directly to their wallets or passing the revenue to a DAO smart contract, where members get benefits according to the amount of stake they have on that contract. The content DAO opens opportunities for content creator communities, fan club and creator communities, content organization in both centralized and decentralized schemes, and investment for content creation. This mechanism paves huge possibilities in decentralized content world, where people get freedom of content creation and fully benefit from those content.

Content market place - web3.0 content world makes more clear on the term "content as asset". People can have collections of limited content. They can use them for many applications ranged from watching for entertainment, collecting as acheivement, content investment, right to join some events, and even working with decentralized finance, where content can be used as a collateral assets to borrow some values.

How it's Made


  1. Frontend - Next JS (TypeScript)
  2. Smart contract - Foundry (Solidity)
  3. Subgraph
  4. Permanent Storage - Filecion, IPFS,, Lighthouse
  5. Metadata storage - Polybase
  6. Infrastructure - Spheron
  7. Meeting - Huddle01

How do they link together ?

  1. We implement all the frontend logic and presentation using Next JS
  2. We implement all smart contracts with Solidity using Foundry
  3. We index on-chain data using subgraph
  4. When users upload contents on the platform, we store the main content on IPFS and Filecoin using
  5. Then NFT metadata including images are stored on
  6. When users access some restricted contents, we use to check their on-chain access.
  7. Some content metadata, such as, view counts, like count, and comments are stored on polybase
  8. Huddle01 allows token-gated access control for meeting. We apply it with our membership contract (See screenshot here:
  9. We deploy frontend with Spheron

Smart contracts

  1. VidefiContent - a main smart contract for generating content NFT and assign viewer access conditions. The access control relies on token gated scheme, where the NFT owners specify token addresses and token amounts required for accessing the content of the NFT.
  2. MemberCard - a smart contract to handle membership subscription. It essentially is an NFT smart contract with expiration functionality. Member cards work together with the content NFT.
  3. VidefiDAO - a smart contract that handles benefit sharing among DAO members who stake some tokens on the contract.

Project repositories Frontend - Smart contract - Subgraph -

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