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A universal name service for all chains and layer 2's with an application to register it on them


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

πŸ“œ Scroll β€” Just Deploy!

Project Description

We are building a universal name service for all chains and layer 2's with an application to register it on them. Our goal is to unify identities across chains with a single name service. No more different name like .arb .eth .stark ... juste one. The fees and the id are paid once on one chain and the name would be registered on every available chains using multiple relayers.

How it's Made

This project uses a NextJS/Tailwind webapp with a python backend to run relayer on every connected chain. We are also using smart contract based on ENS logic to build our name service. Our smart contracts are deployed on multiple chain using Hardhat. The relayer is connected to the frontend and different chains via API/RPC.

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