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OpenSource UniswapV3 position history tracker powered by The Graph, Viem and the Uniswap SDK


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

The Graph

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project aims to be an open source client interface to track fees and underlying value evolution of Uniswap's v3 NFT positions. Users are able to see the evolution of fees accumulated over time, and to track evolution of the underlying value of assets given in the pool that change over time. We chose to use the "official" Uniswap subgraph since it is one of the most popular among curators, and "sponsored" by the uniswap foundation, thus it can be considered a public good.

How it's Made

This project uses The Graph's Uniswap subgraphs and its node API to fetch position data. This data includes the moment from when the NFT is minted in Uniswap, the value of the tokens in the Pool over a selected timeframe (every 24h). Data for the fees evolution are fetched with Viem's simulateContract call, which allows to simulate claiming fees every day to see their evolution. This project currently supports several EVM chains, such as polygon, mainnet, celo, and avalanche, with the goal to expand it to as much chains as possible. Some of these chains don't have a Subgraph, we could deploy the uniswap subgraph for them later on.

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