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By the power of recursive proofs and parallelizations, Turnip is a ZK-Rollup for Mina that uses Filecoin as the data layer towards the goal of a faster & improved system.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥇 Mina Protocol — Best Use

Project Description

Turnip is a UTXO-based payment layer on MINA that is compatible with the MINA key-pair system. It comes up as a Validium style ZK rollup, which involves storing data on Filecoin and verifying proofs on MINA. The network employs recursive proofs to enable cheap and high-speed transactions. With the help of proof parallelization, it further enhances its speed. With this project, we're solving some problems in the context of speed, privacy and decentralization.

How it's Made

We started with the idea of implementing a faster method for Mina's base layer. Then, we came up with the idea of building a ZK rollup. To further improve the data avability & decentralization, we also integrated Filecoin to our project to store the proofs. By doing so, we achieved the goal of combining various technologies in a cool way. Both Mina and Filecoin were the sponsors, and we built our project with their technologies.

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