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A protocol to manage physical communities bringing them the possibility to join, communicate, pay, earn interests providing liquidity and decide!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Tableland β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

The goal of this protocol is to find a way to introduce Blockchain and cryptocurrency to new people in an unnoticed way. All of this is accomplished by solving a current social issue that web 2 tools were unable to resolve on a global scale. Web 3 has the potential to increase the process's efficiency and worldwide scope in this project.

What you can do with our tool (Launched in polygon) is register new physical communities as an administrator, sign up as a community member, and make payments of monthly fees that will be registered on the blockchain. But what’s the interesting part here? Also the possibility to pay the whole semester or year of management fees with anticipation, and that money will be deposited at a liquidity pool in Aave, generating for you as a community member and anticipated payer, interests above the market. (Currently 2.43% APY)

Second, a database made in tableland gives access to administrators to examine the data generated by the payments of the community members and also the possibility to analyze data from other communities in the future.

Third (to be developed), a personal profile with an ENS, will be your identity inside a community and gives you the possibility to be accountable for your previous positive or negative experiences inside a specific physical space, which could be a community, region, state, or country. This could be used in any part of the world, giving communities a sense of belonging and responsibility for their community profile.

Fourth (to be developed) a messaging platform based on EPNS technology that would guarantee decentralized communication and notifications inside the communities.

How it's Made

First of all, we used the brownie framework to develop the project, and tests were made in pytest.

Also, we connected from the local console to the polygon Mumbai blockchain using the alchemy RPC-client.

For databases, we used the technology from Tableland in order to save the data from the communities and users so we can achieve a decentralized way to provide the information and be available for everyone at any time.

Data analysis could be employed as a backup for further decisions inside all communities.

To provide liquidity in Aave, we made some mocks from Aave pools and another for stablecoins tokens to execute some tests.

A master contract will be generating new contracts for every community that is registered. These new contracts will have their own databases and could be managed independently (Payments and liquidity pools).

The connexion between Front-End and Back-End was made utilizing the framework useDApp.

All backend was coded in solidity and deployed in the polygon Mumbai testnet.

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