A self custodial chat-wallet for bartering that works both offline and offchain.
Troq is a self custodial chat-wallet with offline-off chain capabilities.
Allow soverain communication between address owners offering an alternative to main corporation solutions (GAFAM alternative)
The main feature of TROQ is that it works out of the box, generating a wallet to communicate, transfer and create value.
How it works
1- Scan someone else’s qr wallet code (or visit:https://troq.io )
2- Interact!
Chat or interact with your pair remotely
make an onchain / offline - offchain transaction
3- Welcome to TROQ!
XMPT for chat communication capabilities NEXT.ID to query dids and avatars SCROLL for cheap txs TABLELAND for backup and UI improvements FVM to interact through EVM with stored files! Chats are encrypted with symmetric encryption using the Web Crypto API and the AES-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) algorithm. LIT protocol to share encryption keys(in progress) All coded in vainila javascript! Offchain-offline transactions are made by sharing an unsigned transaction through a QR code Credit/creation of value is made by two peers(A and B) exchanging two signatures, A receives the value (a newly minted TROQ in exchange for something) and B validates the value creation. TROQ SMART CONTRACT goverrns an ERC-20 contract, and funds initial wallets through airdrop.