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Transacta - Unified Cross-ZK NFT bridge and metadata relayer


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

It can be challenging to transfer NFTs across zk-EVM Layer-2 rollups due to different approaches and/or difference in interfaces. We have taken a step towards eliminating these barriers and removing friction by building a one-stop application for dispatching cross-rollup NFT operations.

How it's Made

Transacta leverages the cross-chain messaging capabilities and bridging solutions currently available to transfer tokens between different networks. It can be considered a bridge aggregator that also offers features specifically designed for NFTs. In addition to EVM states bridging (tokenIDs, balances), transacta synchronizes NFT metadata and makes it available for Polybase clients.

Transacta operates between the following chains:

  • Goerli testnet - acting as a main network for the NFT asset
  • Scroll testnet - EVM-compatible zero-knowledge rollup
  • Polygon zkEVM testnet - L2 zero-knowledge sidechain
  • zkSync Era - Layer 2 zkEVM

NFT metadata relayer mirrors initial metadata stored using HTTPs webservice to decentralized Polybase db. As event sourcing engine TheGraph's SubGraph indexer gets used.

See Readme for more details.

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