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Concentrate liquidity along price and now TIME with uni v4 hooks.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Uniswap v3 lets LPs concentrate liquidity along certain price bands. This makes capital more efficient and limits un-used liquidity. Our uniswap v4 hook lets you also set different times of day to concentrate liquidity to. We also did analysis of all volume that has ever been swapped on uniswap v3 to find the best times of day for optimal strategy that will result in more capital efficiency, more fees and lower risk for LPs.

How it's Made

  1. Uniswap v4 hooks
  2. horsefacts timeDate library
  3. solidity
  4. python script to make the graph
  5. Dune analytics with SQL for data

The docs for uni v4 are still very lacking so we had to do our best and learn a lot fast by reading the actually uniswap core contracts which are still being developed. Testing was hard because v4 uses new Op-codes that are not available on goerli or most networks. We created schemas in dune to compile the data and wrote the uni hooks in smart contracts extended from the uniswap example hooks library.

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