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Protocol and platform for issuing and handling event tickets as NFTs. Ethereum allows for programmable money, we allow for programmable tickets!

Created At


Winner of

🎓 Lens Protocol — 🥇 Honors

Project Description

Tickets lets event organizers issue and handle programmable event passes as NFTs. They can use our frontend platform or build on top of our API to build custom software. End users can buy and resell tickets to their favorite artists’, team’s or corporate events.

The service allows for the creation of “event” NFT’s, which are Lens “post” objects in themselves, and then issuing ensuing ticket NFT’s for them. These “tickets” can be read and identified as original / admissible easily. With the advancement of the Lens Protocol versions, the passes can be programmed to serve the best interests of the organizers, including permissions to transfer, resell (with or without royalties), expiration dates and many more. Whenever these future updates to the Lens Protocol allow it, customizable parameters can be embed as unique information into the tickets too, for example, specific entry-points, pass-types, seat locations, etc.

Importantly, our protocol enables an open, secondary marketplace for these NFT event tickets, where participants can transparently buy or sell their passes - using their crypto or their in-App balances - to the original event organizers or to whomever is offering better prices.

Finally, the protocol design implies the availability of real-time, useful data on all events and tickets which can be used or presented in different, convenient ways, like by having a dashboard or a Wallet App. Because tickets NFT’s are Lens based, they enable for social grouping too, allowing for same-event attendees to share any kind of content they might wish, including photos, audio, text, and more.

Our product aims to service two type of users, attendees and organizers, which in turn can have Basic (web2 focused) or Advanced (web3 focused) profiles. We think it is important to facilitate the on-barding and usage processes for as many people as possible (adoption). We firmly believe that ticketing is one industry ripe to be disrupted by blockchain technologies, which can easily solve many of the current problems it faces, including scalping, falsification, hoarding and speculation.

How it's Made

We focused on providing the necessary pipelines for the issuance and handling of NFT’s taking advantage of the Lens Protocol built in features and capabilities. This is why we wrapped the Lens Protocol API into ours, complementing it with other proprietary components that result in a ticketing-as-a-service experience.

A combination of different team-member profiles allowed us to deliver a sleek front-end demo based on React and a Flask server that resolves the backend requests and interacts with the Lens Protocol API. Users are able to sign in using either OAuth or a WalletConnect tech and then get a custodial wallet address generated for them and stored in a Supa Database. Events (Lens post’s) metadata, like banner images, are stored in IPFS.

Specifically, we utilized the Lens Protocol’s features like so: Organizers and attendees are minted a Lens profile when they create an account. This profile then creates a Publication (Post), which we call an Event. Using the Collection Module, ticket NFT’s are created in turn. This allows ticket owners to instantly share or participate in the Event object in many different ways, which User Interfaces can represent as chat rooms, photo sharing walls, audio libraries, etc. Ideally, whenever the Lens Protocol technology allows it, the Reference Module will prevent comments or participation in the Publication from people who do not Follow it (ie. owns a ticket for the event).

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