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Thrift is website based Savings application which allows user to join clubs with Random users and save money with the security of Smart Contracts.


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Funding a smart contract in a group can be a way to save money because it allows multiple individuals or entities to contribute to the contract's initial funding or ongoing expenses, reducing the burden on any single contributor. This approach can be especially useful for decentralized applications (dApps) that rely on smart contracts to function and require funding to cover expenses such as gas fees, hosting costs, and developer salaries.

One popular way to fund a smart contract in a group is through a crowdfunding campaign, where contributors pool their funds together to support a particular project or initiative. In this model, contributors typically receive some form of reward or incentive for their contribution, such as tokens, early access to the platform, or other perks.

Another approach is to establish a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), which is a group of individuals or entities that come together to collectively manage a project or resource. DAOs typically operate using smart contracts and distributed decision-making mechanisms to govern how funds are allocated and decisions are made. DAOs can be used to fund smart contracts as well as manage ongoing expenses and operations.

In both cases, the key benefit of funding a smart contract in a group is that it allows for greater participation and collaboration, which can help to distribute risk and reduce the costs associated with supporting a decentralized application. Additionally, group funding models can help to promote greater transparency and accountability, as contributors have a shared stake in the success of the project and are incentivized to ensure that resources are used effectively.

How it's Made

This project is a website built with ReactJs as a framework and using Tailwind Css, Daisy UI components at the Front End and Smart Contracts Written in solidity. The Smart Contracts have been deployed to Scroll Alpha Testnet and Polygon zkEVM to get the benefits of Zero Knowledge RollUps

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