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A No-Code solution to take various actions based on contract events using customizable blocks.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of

🏊 Push Protocol — Prize Pool

🎮 Valist — Best App/Games Deployed with Valist

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

🏊 StackOS — Pool Prize

🥉 Router — Best Use

Project Description


In recent years we have seen blockchain companies being more focused on improving user experience and making it easier for people to interact with the technology by abstracting the technical layer but there are still certain niche areas where it is very difficult for a non-developer to interact with the blockchain. Once such area is automation. We all know how important contract events are and with many tools and services like the graph which makes it easier and accessible to everyone there still exists a gap of executing an action flow based on those events.


  • Polygon : We support, transaction listening on polygon and allow users to interact with polygon automatically based on certain constraints
  • We are utilizing to store users action flow so they can store and retrieve it whenever they want.
  • Router Protocol : To allow users to swap between multiple chains we have utilized router protocol and have provided a customizable router block so users can use cross-chain swaps in the action flow
  • The Graph : In order for users to get better access of the data we allow users to query existing subgraph, so they can get more data inputs for there decision making
  • Push Protocol : To allow users to send notifications, we have provided a push block which directly connects to the push protocol with the input given by the users and automatically sends notification call whenever conditions are met
  • Stack OS : In order to allow user to deploy the backend on there own node we have specially designed specifically designed out backend in such a way that it easily integrates with StackOS
  • Valist : We have used Valist inorder so people who really like our project can support us via the marketplace and also valist has a great CI/CD pipeline that makes it a lot easier to push new features

How it's Made

  • Writing the logic to parse the graph nodes
  • Merging various web3 products into one app

Future Improvements

  • Adding more web3 tools and web3 blocks
  • Adding more subgraph support so that user can query more data
  • Batch transactions so user can batch there transactions


  • Execute transactions automatically when certain constraints are met
  • Create your own business logic in minutes
  • Access to all the subgraphs that are deployed on the graph network
  • Push notifications to yourself when certain events are emitted
  • Swap your tokens automatically cross-chain via the router protocol
  • All the logics you need


FlowX is an all in one platform to make your own custom logics just by dragging and dropping the blocks. We have a wide variety of blocks.

Types of Blocks

Common Blocks

  • Logical Blocks : Logical blocks just resolve to true or false by checking certain logic
  • Mathematical Blocks : This blocks are used to compute, change the inputs by using various operators
  • Constant Blocks : Constant blocks provide output without taking any input

Web3 Blocks

  • Push Blocks : Users can use this block to push notifications to themselves via the push protocol based on some specific constraints
  • Graph Blocks : This blocks can be used by users the query the already deployed subgraphs.
  • RouterSwap Blocks : This blocks are used to execute an automatic swap on behalf of the user when certain user defined conditions are satisfied

By utilizing this blocks users can leverage the power of automation with zero-coding. The user directly drag and drops all the logic connects the logic and than we parse those logic and execute the logic on the users own backend via the StackOS. We have dockerized our code for parsing and executing the logic so that users don't have to depend upon any centralize services to manage their keys.

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