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Seven web3 social media dApps all integrating ENS. The interface allows users to post and like/dislike other posts

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Mantle — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Arbitrum — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project is seven web3 forums each governed by three smart contracts. The first contract establishes a new ERC20 token, the second contract implements NFTs for the forum, and the third contract provides utility for these tokens within a community. Owners of the ERC20 token can vote on posts, and their voting power is a equal to the amount of tokens held, similar to how shares in a company work. The NFT contract allows owners to control fees and token requirements to use the NFT in the forum, creating permissioned system within the permissionless forum.

How it's Made

The smart contract for our project were written in Solidity and were deployed on the following chains: Base, Arbitrum One, Filecoin Calibration testnet, Celo Alfrajores testnet, Gnosis Chiado testnet, Mantle testnet, and Scroll alpha testnet. The interface was written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the ethers.js library The interface allows for HTML injection, meaning users can write their own interactive programs directly into the interface.

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