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Talents Ninja

Decentralised talent pool for unbiased hiring. We are turning the hiring market upside down — companies are connecting candidates. And only on the basis of experience and skills.

Talents Ninja

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ IPFS & Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

Talents Ninja is a protocol made up of soulbound Candidate and Proposal NFTs and Dapp integrated with Worldcoin, XMTP and EPNS. Candidate profiles are pseudo anonymous, no personal data is stored.


There are two main roles: Candidate and Employer.

As a Candidate, you may start receiving job proposals while remaining anonymous - until you choose to share personal information. This allows you to scout for interesting offers even if you are not actively looking for a new job.

As an Employer, you can choose from a variety of verified candidates (no bots). You won't be biased by photo, age, name, gender, race, whatever. Skills and experience are the only things that matter.

Companies should be able to reach out to potential candidates. If you expect people to be looking for your project and your job openings, you can wait for a long time.

How it's Made

Used Scaffold-eth as initial template, codebase is a bit chaotic — but quite helpful and timesaving.

Polygon is used as a main environment for smart contracts. TheGraph with ipfs and full-text search features for blockchain/ipfs data processing. for storing and pinning NFT's metadata in a decentralised way. UCAN authorisation was hard to use. XMTP for p2p messaging. Worldcoin for humanity and uniqueness verifications. Integration into smart contract and UI wasn't difficult, apart from the fact that the simulator often did not work 🙃 EPNS for notifying Candidates about new job proposals. EPNS is integrated with TheGraph. There are a few problems with EPNS — lagging website and usage of Kovan testnet.

On frontend I used Preact and Vite for faster dev builds, Tailwind with DaisyUI for layout. Zustand for ui state. Project design is mobile first. For querying TheGraph, I used urlq — it's much better than Apollo. Wagmi and RainbowKit for wallet integration. The only problem with them is their huge bundle size.

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