- A Widget to empower dapps with features of an explorer , supports ethereum , polygon , base , zora , optimism chains
- User can search for transactions with hash
- User can search for their accounts
I have built it using webpack , for UI I have used react , and bootstrap css , for backend apis I have used covalent APIs
It has a super friendly UI and it can be embedded into apps for easily for having features of a chain explorer
Problem with existing Dapps :
-They redirect user to different site for explorer
- User needs to refresh explorer to see the status update
- Multi websites needs to be checked for multi chain
- New Chains in L2 and L3 might not have explorer
I have built a Widget to empower dapps with features of an explorer
I have built it using Covalent APIs who is a sponser
- I have used react for UI
- covalent apis
- useSWR for caching
- bootstrap for UI
- used webpack for bundling. html,css and js
Future Improvements
- Super easy to integrate widget
- Explorer for transactions, addresses , ENS domains etc.
- Can add chain rpc urls