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Imagine Google Drive Meets IPFS, store files on IPFS, grant access using walletaddress, notify using EPNS and mail


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ IPFS & Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

Files and folders are encrypted and stored on IPFS - Web3 Storage. Accebile using wallet address. Share and give access to files using wallet address. Get notified of shared files using EPNS. Create NFT out of files and drop the NFT to wallet address to have the file access. Create a public Premium File that is encrypted and blurred out, which would be accessible only if you buy it as NFT.

How it's Made

Used Metamask encryption and decryption for encrypting and decrypting file public key data. Used Polygon Chain for deploying smart contract that is used for sharing and creating nfts of files. A file can be shared using ENS. EPNS are used for getting Push Notifications of shared files in the arsenal. Next js for the frontend.

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