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Decentralized and secure cloud storage on chain leveraging IPFS with a better UX.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of

🏊 Push Protocol — Prize Pool

🏊 ENS — Integration Prize

Project Description

As of now, our data is in the hands of centralized Web2 companies, on which we have no control over. Web 3.0 introduces the concept of decentralisation, in short, the flow and storage of data, without the need of any central authority.

Storehouse is based on the same, trying to make itself the most secure personal storage for one.

Leveraging the use-cases of IPFS at the same time, we are enabling users to depend on it as their cloud storage platform through Storehouse. We've made an easy-to-use interface for users to upload their files on IPFS (which are encrypted before uploading) and serving it as their end-to-end encrypted cloud storage on-chain.

We belive there has to be a gradual shift to Web3. Hence, we've built this as a Web2.5 applcation, that is, Web3 tech with Web2 UX. This way, an average Joe can be easily onboarded to Web3 without knowing the ins-and-outs of the space.

How it's Made

Figuring out ownership: We wanted to make the uploader as the absolute owner of the file even though if it's shared with someone. We solved it by making it in the metadata, that the original uploader retains the ownership of the file

Making it encrypted: We're using AES encryption protocol to encrypt the files before uploading it to IPFS

ENS: We wanted to make it very easy and seamless to share files. We had a tough time with the SDKs, but resolved it with the help of docs.

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