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My DApp will allow 6551 NFT accounts to make a single payment but with different accounts


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥇 ApeCoin DAO — Most innovative

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project allows users with Token Bound Accounts to aggregate their assets to pay someone or buy things.

It creates a Payment TBA on the fly, aggregates the assets from the multiple TBA the user has and finally transfer the underlying NFT of the Payment TBA to the receiver to later allow for withdraw.

How it's Made

This project uses Solidity smart contracts and ERC-6551 Registry implementation and AccountImplementation to create TBA for NFTs.

The frontend is made using Wagmi and Viem as web3 libraries to call the respective contracts for creating TBAs and transferring assets between them.

I used ApeCoin as the medium of payment. Users can have ApeCoin in different Token Bound Accounts which if they want to use for payment but can't if they don't enough ApeCoin in a single TBA this project will help them pay by allowing to contribute from different TBAs for the same payment!

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