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An NFT Staking application where anyone can come and stake their NFT and earn yield out of it.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

πŸ“œ Scroll β€” Just Deploy!

Project Description

An NFT staking application where anyone can come and stake their NFT and earn their NFT yields out of it. The NFT yield is calculated based on the no. of seconds, minutes, hours, or days the NFT stake has been kept. The staking is performed on the basis of keeping the user's behavior and their need in mind it not only helps to invest more in NFTs but also to earn utilities out of it.

How it's Made

Frontend: React Backend : Solidity, Hardhat Deployment (Frontend): Vercel Deployment(Backend): Scroll An NFT staking application where anyone can come and stake their NFT and earn their NFT yields out of it. The NFT yield is calculated based on the no. of seconds, minutes, hours, or days the NFT stake has been kept.

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